The Trajectory for Enhancing Corporate Value under the “Brand-new Deal” Strategy (Management Plan)

The Trajectory for Enhancing Corporate Value  under the “Brand-new Deal” Strategy (Management Plan)(1)

The Trajectory for Enhancing Corporate Value  under the “Brand-new Deal” Strategy (Management Plan)(2)
The Trajectory for Enhancing Corporate Value  under the “Brand-new Deal” Strategy (Management Plan)(1)
The Trajectory for Enhancing Corporate Value  under the “Brand-new Deal” Strategy (Management Plan)(2)
The Trajectory for Enhancing Corporate Value  under the “Brand-new Deal” Strategy (Management Plan)(3)
The Trajectory for Enhancing Corporate Value  under the “Brand-new Deal” Strategy (Management Plan)(4)

Recognition from Capital Markets for our “Commitment-Based Management”

In our pursuit of “Sampo-yoshi,” we have set out management initiatives considering “all the priorities,” not just “a single expedient” such as the stock market or the bond market, and therefore achieved solid recognition.


[an11_im03.jpg] [an11_im06_sp.jpg]

Credit Ratings


(→Business Results for FYE 2020)[PDF]