Human Resource Strategy
Cultivate a Motivating Workplace Environment
Having clearly identified human resources as a key component of management strategy, ITOCHU’s management team is committed to creating a company that is challenging but rewarding to work for, where meeting the demands of work is not only challenging but also rewarding in many different ways. As well as improving employees’ motivation and willingness to contribute, our successful creation of a frontline- focused workplace environment in which everyone can fully realize their capabilities is creating a virtuous cycle that results in a favorable external reputation enabling us to recruit outstanding human resources.
Enhancing Corporate Value through the Evolution of Work-Style Reforms
FYE 2023 has seen the launch of the second stage of work- style reforms. Based on the Engagement Survey Results conducted in FYE 2022, we are introducing measures with a particular emphasis on reflecting the diversification of values among the young employees and female employees.
We will continue expanding and enhancing measures. At the same time, all measures will form part of a virtuous cycle that steadily improves both labor productivity and enhances corporate value.