Message from the President & COO

Message from the President & COOMessage from the President & COO

I appreciate your continued support of ITOCHU Corporation across all our operations. As we embark on the new fiscal year, I would like to share a few words.

On April 3, 2024, we announced our Management Policy “The Brand-new Deal” and our Management Plan for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 (FYE 2025). Instead of just formulating a customary medium-term management plan, we decided to show the overall direction ITOCHU aims for and announce a single-year management plan that we can confidently commit to despite the prevailing global uncertainty.

The FYE 2025 plan for consolidated net profit was set at ¥880.0 billion, a record high. In line with the Management Policy that “profit opportunities are shifting downstream,” all employees will rush ahead to achieve common goals by fully leveraging our strengths in downstream fields, which is the origin of ITOCHU’s business, as well as our assets and expertise in midstream and upstream fields cultivated over our more than 160-year history.

In addition, we will continue enhancing our qualitative aspects to ensure we earn critical acclaim from every corner by strengthening dialogue with all our stakeholders and further enhancing our unique initiatives, such as the work-style reforms we have undertaken ahead of global trends.

Looking at the global situation, geopolitical risks are growing, conflicts are breaking out and discord smoldering in countries around the world, and major policies are being overturned through elections. Rising inflation, soaring resource and material prices, the reexamination of supply chains, and the other economic impacts of these kinds of events are also spilling over to security issues. At a time like this when the business environment is in turmoil, we will lean on the non-resource sector where our strength lies, fully utilizing our global network to address immediate customer needs and achieve the steady growth of solid, well-grounded businesses.

ITOCHU Group has passed down and, in the future, will continue to successfully pass on its founding spirit of commerce, “Sampo-yoshi” : good for the buyer, good for the seller and good for society, as our corporate mission. To ensure peaceful, safe and secure economic and social activities for all, ITOCHU will respond to the expectations and trust of its business partners, shareholders, employees and various other stakeholders, and fulfill its responsibilities as a company.

I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks for your continued support.


Keita Ishii
President & COO
April 3, 2024