Special Feature 2:Polishing Our Existing Business and New Steppingstones

Polishing Value Chain, Starting with FamilyMart and Steppingstones for Further Growth

In the convenience store business starting with FamilyMart, ITOCHU Group companies are collaborating to build and strengthen value chains that extend from downstream to upstream areas. These collaborative initiatives are not limited to procuring high-value-added food products and their ingredients but also help increase the appeal of a wide range of products. For example, collaborative initiatives are contributing to the rollouts of the new “FAMIMARU” private brand for daily necessities and Convenience Wear apparel, which features differentiated designs. In many different fields, ITOCHU is leveraging its business foundations to transcend Division Company boundaries and enhance entire value chains. These efforts include strengthening efficient and stable logistics functions, building systems, and providing construction materials. As for new steppingstones aimed at sustained growth, The 8th Company is actively engaged in collaborative efforts to create new earnings sources, including advertising, media, and finance businesses.

“Steppingstones” for Further Growth

Expansion of New Businesses by Leveraging Foundations

In new businesses, ITOCHU is accelerating the realization of profits by using stores as media through the installation of digital signage, by creating digital advertising businesses that leverages physical stores, and by strengthening finance businesses that utilize the “Famipay” app. Through the combination of digital media—including digital signage, apps, and digital advertising—as well as the fusion of digital and real, we aim to provide further value to our customers.

Reinforcement of the Foundations of the Convenience Store Business

We will provide superior customer experience value and enhance store profitability by fostering the new “FAMIMARU” private brand, developing more signature products, pursuing brand value enhancement that includes the strengthening of mainstay products, and expanding the customer base through stepped-up marketing approach based on the “Famipay” app and customer data analysis. In addition, by lowering store operating costs through utilizing new technologies such as AI to reduce manpower, we aim to expand and enhance store infrastructure.