Annual Report 2023 (Digital Edition)

- ITOCHU’s Accumulated Non-Financial Capital
- Examples of Combinations of Non-Financial Capital in ITOCHU’s Businesses
- Historical Background and Reasons for the Establishment of Our Strengths
- Special Feature 1: Highly Unique Human Resource Strategy to Enhance Corporate Value

- Trajectory of Steady Corporate Value Enhancement through the Strategies of “Brand-new Deal” Management Plans
- FYE 2023 Business Results: Achievement of Consolidated Net Profit Exceeding ¥800.0 Billion for the Second Consecutive Year
- FYE 2024 Management Plan, Which Covers the Final Fiscal Year of the Medium-Term Management Plan “Brand-new Deal 2023,” and Our Strategies to Achieve the Plan While Dealing with Business Risks and Other Risks

- Financial and Capital Strategies
- Business Investment Process and Monitoring after Execution
- Overview of Our Business Model and Business Development
- Special Feature 2: Examples of Initiatives That Create Added Value by Polishing Our Existing Business and New Steppingstones

Polishing Value Chain, Starting with FamilyMart and Steppingstones for Further Growth
Polishing and Further Expanding the Earnings Base of the North American Construction Materials Business through a Hands-on Management Style
Evolution of the Value Chain through Collaboration between CTC and Our Group of Digital Businesses

- PEST Analysis on Macroenvironmental Factors
- Approach and Initiatives Relating to Climate Change
(1.5°C scenario analysis based on TCFD recommendations, etc.) - Sustainability Management Initiatives including Human Rights Due Diligence
- Corporate Governance Policies and Systems That Underpin Value Creation

In the context of strengths, risks, opportunities, and other factors in each business field, this section outlines the strategies of the Division Companies that comprise ITOCHU’s business portfolio. The explanation is given with an awareness of the corporate value calculation formula (with a view to investment decisions) and the bearing these strategies have on material issues.
Annual Report 2023 PDF Download
Download Separate Files
- Introduction(PDF 0.4MB)
- Editorial Policy / Contents(PDF 0.4MB)
- Management Messages(PDF 0.2MB)
- The "Merchant" Business Model(PDF 0.2MB)
- 01 Driving Force for Sustainable Value Creation(PDF 2.0MB)
- 02 Achievement of Short-Term Targets(PDF 0.4MB)
- 03 Steppingstones to Medium- to Long-Term Value Creation(PDF 1.2MB)
- 04 Initiatives and Systems Supporting Sustainable Growth(PDF 1.7MB)
- Business Portfolio(PDF 3.2MB)
- Data Section(PDF 0.4MB)
- IR Activities(PDF 0.2MB)
- Major Subsidiaries and Associated Companies(PDF 0.1MB)