Basic Policy Regarding the Internal Control System and its Operational Status

The Company has established the following internal control systems, which are necessary to ensure that executive officers’ implementation of duties are in compliance with laws and statutory regulations and the Articles of Incorporation and ensure the appropriateness of other operations. Below is a summary of the Basic Policy regarding the Internal Control System and its Operational Status as of June 21, 2024. ("Basic Policy regarding the Internal Control System" was approved by Board of Directors on April 19, 2006, and the latest revision was made on May 8, 2024).


1. System to Ensure Compliance by Directors and Employees to Laws, Regulations and the Articles of Incorporation

(1) Corporate Governance

  1. As the decision-making body, the Board of Directors, consisting of Directors and Outside Directors, is to decide important matters in accordance with laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, the “Board of Directors Regulations,” and other internal regulations, and as the supervisory body, the Board of Directors is to supervise the performance of the directors.
  2. Each director is to carry out such director’s functions and duties as designated by the Board of Directors in accordance with laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, resolutions by the Board of Directors, and internal regulations.
  3. ITOCHU is to adopt the Executive Officer System to strengthen the decision-making function and supervisory function of the Board of Directors, and to streamline executive decision-making. Based on the approval of the Board of Directors, executive officers implement their designated duties based on delegation from the Board of Directors and representative directors.
  4. The corporate auditors are to oversee the performance of the directors based on the “Board of Corporate Auditors Regulations” and “Auditors’ Auditing Standards.”

(2) Compliance

  1. Directors and other executives and employees are to conduct themselves in accordance with the ITOCHU Group Corporate Mission and the ITOCHU Group Guideline of Conduct.
  2. ITOCHU is to designate a representative director as the chief officer responsible for supervising compliance and also establish the Compliance Committee and a department that oversees all compliance matters. In addition, the “ITOCHU Group Compliance Program” is to be created to further enhance our compliance system.

(3) Internal Control to Ensure Reliability of Financial Reporting

  1. ITOCHU is to have in place internal regulations concerning commercial transactions management and accounting, and is to create the position of CFO to ensure the reliability of financial reporting.
  2. ITOCHU is to establish the Disclosure Committee and regularly review and improve the development and implementation status of the internal control systems to ensure the reliability of financial reporting.

(4) Internal Audits

ITOCHU is to establish the Audit Division under the direct control of the President and Chief Executive Officer. The Audit Division is to regularly implement internal audits of all aspects of business operations based on the “Audit Regulations.” Such internal audits are to examine compliance with laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and internal regulations, as well as, among other matters, the appropriateness of the procedures and nature of the exercise of duties and responsibilities.

2. System for the Storage and Preservation of Information Related to Director Duties

The directors are to appropriately store and preserve important documents and related materials concerning the performance of their duties, including the minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders, in accordance with the “Information Management Regulations,” the “Document Management Rules” and other internal regulations. All documents and information so stored and preserved are to be subject to inspection by the directors and auditors at any time. Further, the Company will establish departments responsible for the timely disclosure of important corporate information and other information. At the same time, directors will rapidly and comprehensively gather information that requires disclosure and implement timely and appropriate disclosure in compliance with laws and statutory regulations.

3. Regulations Concerning the Management of the Risk of Loss and Other Relevant Risk Management System

To adequately address the various risks associated with our business operations, such as market risk, credit risk, country risk, investment risk, and environmental and social risks, ITOCHU is to establish internal committees and responsible departments, and is to develop the necessary risk management system and risk management techniques, for example establishing a full range of management regulations, investment criteria, risk limits and transaction limits, and developing reporting and monitoring systems, and managing company-wide as well as matter-specific risks . Furthermore, ITOCHU is to regularly review the effectiveness of the risk management system.

4. System to Ensure Efficient Performance of Directors

(1) The HMC and Other Internal Committees

The HMC as a supporting body to the President and Chief Executive Officer, and a number of other internal committees, are to facilitate the proper and agile decision-making by the President and Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors.

(2) Division Company System

Under the Division Company System, the position of Division Company president is to be created at each Company, and each Company is to manage its business autonomously in accordance with laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and internal regulations. Furthermore, each Company is to establish its own numerical targets, and regularly evaluate its performance by comparing against such numerical targets.

(3) Clearly Define the Scope of Authority and Responsibilities

In order to ensure the appropriateness and efficiency of the performance of the management, ITOCHU is to develop internal regulations to clearly define the scope of authority and responsibilities of each corporate officer and divisional manager.

5. System to Ensure the Adequacy of Operations of the ITOCHU Group (Consisting of ITOCHU and Its Subsidiaries)

(1) Subsidiary Management and Reporting System

  1. ITOCHU is to establish a department that oversees all the subsidiaries. Furthermore, relevant departments within ITOCHU are to exercise jurisdiction over their responsible subsidiaries, and provide managerial guidance to such subsidiaries in accordance with the internal regulations concerning consolidated company management. In principle, ITOCHU is to send directors and corporate auditors to each subsidiary to ensure the adequacy of the subsidiary’s operations.
  2. With respect to subsidiaries that ITOCHU owns indirectly through its directly-owned subsidiaries, ITOCHU is to strive to ensure the adequacy of operations by such indirectly-owned subsidiaries in accordance with this Basic Policy by way of, in principle, causing directly-owned subsidiaries to provide managerial guidance to indirectly-owned subsidiaries.
  3. With respect to important matters on the management of subsidiaries, ITOCHU is to, in principle, agree and specify with each subsidiary what matters will require the prior approval of or reporting to ITOCHU, as appropriate, taking into account, among others, each subsidiary’s nature and size of business and whether it is listed or unlisted.

(2) Rules and Other Systems to Manage the Risk of Loss at Subsidiaries

ITOCHU is to identify the subsidiaries which shall be subject to ITOCHU’s Group-wide risk management in respect of each risk category, taking into account, among others, each subsidiary’s nature and size of business and whether it is listed or unlisted. In addition, ITOCHU is to periodically review the effectiveness of such Group-wide management system.

(3) System to Ensure the Efficient Performance of Duties by Directors, etc. of Subsidiaries

ITOCHU is to formulate a management plan on a consolidated basis and undertake managerial guidance of subsidiaries in order to attain the said management plan as well as to provide support to subsidiaries such as provision of group financing from ITOCHU.

(4) System to Ensure Compliance by Directors, etc. and Employees of Subsidiaries to Laws, Regulations and the Articles of Incorporation

  1. In principle, ITOCHU is to send directors and corporate auditors to each subsidiary and strive to ensure that the performance of duties of directors, etc. and employees of a subsidiary complies with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation of such subsidiary through supervision and audit of the performance of duties at the subsidiary by the said directors and auditors sent from ITOCHU.
  2. ITOCHU is to provide guidance to its subsidiaries for the purpose of implementing a compliance system under the “ITOCHU Group Compliance Program” and to perform periodic monitoring and review of the implementation status of the relevant matters as well as providing education and training at subsidiaries whenever necessary for the purpose of securing compliance by the entire ITOCHU Group.
  3. All of the operations and activities of the subsidiaries are to be subject to internal audits by the Audit Division.

6. Matters Concerning Supporting Personnel to Corporate Auditors, Independence of Such Personnel from the Directors and Ensuring the Effectiveness of Instructions to Such Personnel

ITOCHU is to establish the Corporate Auditors’ Office under the direct jurisdiction of the Board of Corporate Auditors and is to put in place full-time employees with the sole responsibility of supporting the work of the corporate auditors. The supervisory authority over such employees is to belong exclusively to the corporate auditors, and evaluation of such employees is to be carried out by the corporate auditor designated by the Board of Corporate Auditors. Any transfer orders or disciplinary actions relating to such employees are to require prior approval by such corporate auditor.

7. System for Reporting by Directors and Employees to Corporate Auditors

(1) Attendance at Important Meetings

The corporate auditors are to attend meetings of the Board of Directors, the HMC meetings, and other important meetings, and interview the directors and other relevant persons regarding the performance of their duties. In addition, the corporate auditors are to have the right to inspect all relevant materials.

(2) Reporting System

  1. The directors and corporate officers are to regularly report to the corporate auditors about their performance. Furthermore, in addition to the matters required by laws and regulations, the directors and corporate officers are to report all the decisions that could have a major impact on the finance or business of ITOCHU to the corporate auditors immediately after such decisions are made.
  2. Employees are to have the right to report directly to the corporate auditors any matters that could cause serious damage to ITOCHU.
  3. In the “ITOCHU Group Compliance Program,” ITOCHU is to explicitly prohibit disadvantageous treatment of directors and employees who have reported to the corporate auditors and to ensure thorough familiarization with this prohibition.

8. System for Reporting by Directors, Corporate Auditors and Employees of Subsidiaries or by a Person who Received a Report from Them to Corporate Auditors

(1) Reporting System

  1. The directors and corporate auditors of subsidiaries may report directly to the corporate auditors of ITOCHU any matters that could cause serious damage to the said subsidiary.
  2. A department that oversees compliance is to periodically report to the corporate auditors of ITOCHU a summary of matters that could cause serious damage to a subsidiary that were reported by the officers and employees of the said subsidiary.
  3. In the “ITOCHU Group Compliance Program,” ITOCHU is to explicitly prohibit disadvantageous treatment of persons who have reported to the corporate auditors under the provisions listed above and to ensure full familiarization with this prohibition.

9. Matters Concerning Policy on Procedures for Prepayment or Refund of Expenses Arising in Relation to Performance of Duties of Corporate Auditors and Processing of Expenses or Obligations Arising in Relation to the Performance of Other Duties

When a corporate auditor claims prepayment, etc. from ITOCHU in relation to the performance of duties under Article 388 of the Companies Act, ITOCHU is to process the relevant expense or claim promptly upon confirmation by the responsible department.

10. Other Relevant Systems to Ensure the Proper Functioning of Audits

(1) Coordination with the Corporate Auditors by the Audit Division

The Audit Division is to maintain close communication and coordination with the corporate auditors with respect to matters such as formulation of the internal audit plan for each business year, and internal audit results.

(2) Retaining External Experts

When deemed necessary, the corporate auditors are to independently retain outside experts for the implementation of an audit.

Overview of the Operational Status of Internal Control System

For the proper operation of internal control systems, ITOCHU has adopted a system by which it further segments items stipulated by the Basic Policy into more detailed confirmatory items in respect of each fiscal year, and, after setting the department in charge of each of these confirmatory items, conducts checks of the construction and the operational status of internal control systems by each department (and by other related internal committees) at the Internal Control Committee meetings held each half year. As of FYE 2025, the Internal Control Committee is chaired by Chief Strategy Officer with the Corporate Planning & Administration Division as secretariat, and consists of Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Financial Officer, General Manager of Internal Audit Division, and an external expert (attorney) as members. Corporate Auditors also attend and voice opinions every time.

At its meetings, the Internal Control Committee verifies the content of checklists summarizing achievement status, issues, etc. for each of the above confirmatory items, as submitted by the departments in charge of each. It also confirms the construction and operational status of internal control systems by verifying the content of individual reports from the departments in charge, with respect to important matters such as systems to ensure the reliability of financial reporting, compliance systems, systems to manage the risk of losses, and the construction and operational status of internal control systems in the ITOCHU Group. The results of deliberations by the Internal Control Committee are reported twice per year to the HMC and the Board of Directors, the latter of which conducts a full-year evaluation of the construction and operational status of internal control systems.

Regarding the meetings of main internal committees related to internal control in FYE 2024, the Internal Control Committee met 2 times, the Compliance Committee 2 times, and the ALM Committee 14 times.

ITOCHU’s internal control systems are constructed on the base of the ITOCHU Group, consisting of ITOCHU Corporation and its subsidiaries, and the operational status of the Group base internal control systems, and the construction and operational status of internal control systems in subsidiaries, are reported regularly to the Internal Control Committee.

ITOCHU intends to revise and improve these internal control systems tirelessly in order to build systems that are even more appropriate and efficient. Further, a meeting of the Board of Directors convened on May 8, 2024 evaluated the development and implementation status of each item enumerated in the Basic Policy regarding the Internal Control System for FYE 2024 and confirmed that there were no significant deficiencies or defects.