Masatoshi Kawana*

Member of the Board
(November, 1953)
May 1978 | Joined the Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University |
September 1991 | Reserch fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School |
December 1991 | Reserch fellow at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine |
March 2004 | Professor of Cardiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University |
April 2005 | President of Aoyama Hospital, Tokyo Women's Medical University |
April 2014 | Vice-president of Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital |
November 2014 | Professor of General Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital |
June 2018 | Outside Member of the Board of ITOCHU Corporation (current position) |
February 2019 | Visiting Professor of Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University |
April 2019 | Honorary Professor of Tokyo Women’s Medical University (current position) Specially Appointed Professor of Tokyo Women’s Medical University |
December 2019 | Outside Director, MedPeer,Inc. (current position) |
- Indicates an outside director as provided in Paragraph 2, Clause 15 of the Corporate Law
Information of concurrent post
Outside Director of MedPeer, Inc.