ITOCHU Announces Full-Scale Launch of Document Data Logistics Service with an Eye on Digital Transformation by Domestic Companies
February 10, 2021
ITOCHU Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Yoshihisa Suzuki, President & COO; hereinafter “ITOCHU”) announced today that it has commenced SVF TransPrint (hereinafter "STP"), a document data logistics service developed by WingArc1st Inc (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Jun Tanaka, President & CEO; hereinafter "WingArc"), on a full scale.
With the implementation of unessential IT investments reexamined amid the spread of COVID-19, going digital and paperless is becoming more important in a variety of operations, such as back-office operations, including accounting and general affairs services. On the other hand, companies are still inclined to conduct transactions mainly through the exchange of hard copies of documents and business forms*1 by post. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees still have to go to office to process physical operations, such as following required procedures to send documents by post. To address this issue, efforts should be made to help companies digitize their analog-based information and improve the efficiency of their operation processes, thereby ensuring that they can accumulate the necessary data with an eye toward the transformation of business models on a medium- to long-term basis.
STP is a cloud-based document data logistics service in which the exchange of business forms between companies can be completed online through SVF*2, a business form creation and operation tool that WingArc provides to approximately 26,000 companies nationwide and enjoys the top market share (approximately 70%)*3. The service reduces front-line workloads, including the dispatch of business forms, and enables clients that are not STP users to uploads files. Therefore, both companies that introduce the service and their clients can digitize the dispatch of business forms.
ITOCHU converted WingArc into an equity-method company in 2019, and entered into new service development jointly. Now, it has decided to promote STP on a full-scale basis. Efforts will be made to support the popularization of the service across the nation by leveraging a variety of networks inside and outside the ITOCHU group.
ITOCHU has already introduced STP to its internal systems. In addition, NIPPON ACCESS, INC. (headquartered in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; Junichi Sasaki, President & Representative Director; hereinafter "NIPPON ACCESS"), a Group company and major food wholesaler, will use STP to digitize the dispatching operation of invoices and other documents. Furthermore, by supporting digitization for the handling of business bills and other documents received from NIPPON ACCESS's clients that are not STP users, the company will move forward with initiatives aimed at facilitating the improvement of operations and data logistics in the food wholesale industry as a whole.
ITOCHU also values market-oriented approaches in the digital area. This is in line with the government's basic policy of creating user experience-based values entirely from people's perspectives with an eye on the establishment of the Digital Agency, which is now under consideration. With this in mind, ITOCHU will continue to proactively support digital transformation in government and public offices as well as domestic industries, going forward.
*1Business forms: Generic term of slips and application forms created to record transactions and transfer information, such as invoices, delivery notes and receipts of inspections.
*2SVF is a business form infrastructure solution that enables the user to flexibly create business forms without programming and to produce outputs with any printer and in any digital file format. - *3Source: Prepared by WingArc based on a “Research on Competitors of Products for Form Design/Operation in FY2019” (trends in shipments by vendor of products for forms/operations) issued by MIC Research Institute Ltd. The number reflects the acquisition of the assets of Hitachi's "EUR" business form software (April 2018) through collaboration with the company in the business form area.
Features and a conceptual image of SVF TransPrint (STP)
・Invoice/delivery note Cloud-based service that undertakes the logistics of any type of document data, including receipts of inspections.
・Distribution is digitized at both user companies and clients because users can upload files.
・Packaged with the mailing arrangement service, documents are dispatched by post to clients that request the delivery of hard copies. User companies can make arrangements online.