ITOCHU Announces Capital and Business Alliance with TXP Medical Co., Ltd., a Company Promoting DX for Emergency Care
April 5, 2022
ITOCHU Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Keita Ishii, President & COO; hereinafter “ITOCHU”) announced today that it has formed a capital and business alliance with TXP Medical Co. Ltd. (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Tomohiro Sonoo, President & Chief Executive Officer; hereinafter “TXP Medical”). TXP Medical is a startup that provides NEXT Stage ER, a platform for emergency medical data.
Operations in the emergency medical field mainly require hand-written memos and phone calls.
Most of the time, ambulance teams spend a lot of time making arrangements as they have to repeatedly call hospitals and explain the situation until they find one that can accept the patient.
The overwork of hospital doctors has become a social issue in the recent days, and the huge amount of paperwork is one reason for this problem.*1
TXP Medical digitalizes data from emergency sites and streamlines emergency outpatient operations through NEXT Stage ER and NSER mobile. NEXT Stage ER is a service for hospitals, while NSER mobile is for municipal governments (ambulance teams).
By introducing NEXT Stage ER, hospitals can centralize the patient data entered into the platform by doctors and nurses and share the information among staff members to create various documents.
NEXT Stage ER also organizes information about patients’ symptoms, medical history, clinical diagnoses, severity and other detailed medical data. These data can be utilized in various ways to enhance hospital operations, such as sharing information with medical professionals, creating patient accounts and conducting medical research.
The product has been rolled out in local emergency medical care centers and large secondary emergency hospitals that accept many emergency patients. The product has rapidly gained a share of over 20% in the university hospital emergency medical care center market.
NSER mobile is a mobile app that supports the communication between hospitals and ambulance teams.
The app has been introduced to many municipal government's fire departments since 2020 and is used in nearly 5,000 emergency transport events every month.
NSER mobile supports the data entry via audio and image analysis to enable the quick recording of patient data in an emergency situation.
Providing a hospital with a patient’s data in real time can significantly shorten the time for transmitting information compared to speaking over the phone.
Through the capital and business alliance with TXP Medical, ITOCHU will improve and promote the partnership for the overseas expansion of the data utilization service for pharmaceutical companies and the TXP business.
Outline of the alliance
1. Data utilization service for pharmaceutical companies
We will improve and promote businesses for pharmaceutical companies in partnership with A2 Healthcare Corp. (headquartered in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; Hitoshi Kamiya, President & Chief Executive Officer; hereinafter "A2"), a CRO (contract research organization) of the ITOCHU Group.
One of A2's strengths is the streamlining of trials using IT, thus committing toward the utilization of medical data for database research.
- Acute-phase trial support service
We provide a service to shorten the duration of trials for pharmaceutical products in the acute phase category.*2
Linking the service to accumulated data on NEXT Stage ER enables the selection of facilities conducting highly accurate trials as well as the identification of patients suitable for enrolment in real time.
- Medical data analysis service
A service for the analysis of medical data will be launched.
Data written in in-hospital electronic charts becomes structured by using NEXT Stage ER. This data is utilized with the goal of creating evidence that will help develop pharmaceutical products and improve therapeutic methods.
In addition to data of acute-phase diseases, we will enter the field of oncology.
2. Overseas expansion of DX products for emergency medicine
NEXT Stage ER and NSER mobile will expand mainly in ASEAN regions.
ITOCHU will support the expansion by making full use of its global network.
ITOCHU’s targets laid out in the basic policy of its medium-term management plan are "Realizing business transformation by shifting to a market-oriented perspective," and " Enhancing its contribution to and engagement with the SDGs through business activities," and this effort is in line with these policies.
Going forward, ITOCHU defines healthcare as an area it will focus on, plans to develop new services to provide patients with better healthcare, increase the productivity of healthcare professionals and fulfill other needs of everyone involved in healthcare. In this way, ITOCHU actively expands its businesses.
- *1White Paper on Prevention of Karoshi (death from overwork), 2018 edition (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
- *2Brain stroke (cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage), acute myocardial infarction, COVID-19 (especially mild to severe), acute heart failure, pneumonia/COPD acute exacerbation, trauma: head trauma, brain contusion, spinal cord injury, bone fracture, allergy: anaphylaxis, ICU disease: sepsis, DIC, severe respiratory failure, ARDS, acute pancreatitis, asthma, seizure, status epilepticus, infectious disease, etc.
TXP Medical Co. Ltd.
Location | Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo |
Representative | Tomohiro Sonoo |
Established | August, 2017 |
Business description | NEXT Stage ER, an emergency medicine data platform, NSER mobile, an emergency medicine information system, and acute-phase trial support |
URL | (Japanese) |
Service diagram