ITOCHU Announces Simultaneous Placement of Ads Promoting SDGs in the Morning Editions of Five Newspapers, Ahead of "World Environment Day" on June 5th

"ITOCHU SDGs STUDIO" Evangelist Ai Tominaga Demonstrates the SDGs in Everyday Life

June 1, 2021

ITOCHU Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Keita Ishii, President & COO; hereinafter “ITOCHU”) announced today that it simultaneously placed ads in the morning editions of five national newspapers: the Asahi Shimbun, the Mainichi Shimbun, the Yomiuri Shimbun, the Nikkei and the Sankei Shimbun on June 1, 2021 (Tuesday), as a call to action for achievement of the SDGs

ITOCHU has set "Contribute to and strengthen initiatives for the SDGs" as one of the Basic Policies in its Medium-term Management Plan "Brand-new Deal 2023" and opened the ITOCHU SDGs STUDIO on April 15, 2021 to provide a space where individuals have the opportunity to engage with the SDGs in their own way.
The ads are based on five different visuals featuring ITOCHU SDGs STUDIO Evangelist Ai Tominaga, which are intended to encourage people to think about the actions for the SDGs they can take in everyday life, ahead of "World Environment Day" on June 5. On the basis that the SDGs are not distant goals pursued by governments and businesses but rather goals that can be tackled simply through ordinary doable actions and consideration on the part of every individual, these ads are a call to action for the SDGs under the slogan "My growing obsession with the SDGs".
(Details of newspaper ads)URL:

<Excerpt Tagline>

I do all kinds of things everyday to achieve the SDGs but knowing what's in the fridge is simple but effective because you don't end up buying extra stuff and reduce food waste.

These ordinary situations from everyday life shown in the ads actually have consequences for the future.

Nowadays, there are plenty of ethical options for all kinds of things. It's okay not be perfect. You will end up struggling if you try to go completely organic or completely stop using plastic so I think it's important to start with the things you can do easily and keep doing them.

I want those people who refuse to take that first step forward to see the ads and to know what kind of problems the planet is facing today and how this affect our lives and futures. I mean, if they knew that around 40% of food loss in Japan is generated by households, wouldn't they change their day-to-day behavior just a little bit? The SDGs cover a wide range of areas such as food, fashion, nature and health and so they will definitely find something that interests them.

Know, Think, Act. As everyone completes these steps, the world will surely change. The aim of our efforts to achieve the SDGs is that such efforts become second nature. I hope the day will come when such ads and even ambassadors are no longer necessary.
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Profile of Ai Tominaga
She made a big splash at the age of 17 with her debut at New York Fashion Week. She has been in the frontlines of fashion as a top international model ever since. In parallel with her modeling career, she has taken on new challenges as an actress and as a TV, radio and event personality. A supermodel with an unprecedented career in Japan, she is now venturing into new fields such as charity and philanthropy, as well as introducing traditional Japanese culture to people in Japan and abroad. She is an ambassador for JOICFP, a Japan-based international NGO active in the field of sexual and reproductive health, and an SDGs ambassador for an ethical lifestyle at Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency.

◆Cultural platform which provides opportunities to communicate information about and experience the SDGs from various perspectives and connects people, business and the planet
◆Free provision of exhibition space and filming and photo shoot space for social media etc. to organizations involved in activities related to the SDGs (Around 6 exhibitions a year)
◆Establishment of radio booth to raise public awareness about SDGs in radio program named after ITOCHU "J-WAVE SELECTION ITOCHU DEAR LIFE, DEAR FUTURE" (Program presenter: SHELLY)

Location: Itochu Garden at ITOCHU Tokyo Head Office
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