Annual Report 2008
Fiscal Year 2008 (for the year ended March 31, 2008)
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Download for Separated Files
- Cover (PDF 901KB)
- Our 150th Anniversary (PDF 536KB)
- The Long March Forward (PDF 887KB)
- Contents (PDF 465KB)
- To Our Stakeholders (PDF 536KB)
- Consolidated Financial Highlights (PDF 103KB)
- Segment Highlights (PDF 435KB)
- Pioneering DNA — Foundations of Sustainable Growth (PDF 2,354KB)
- Pioneering DNA — Building New Earnings Foundations
- Pioneering DNA — Overcoming Crises
- Pioneering DNA — Managing Risks
- Pioneering DNA — Fostering Personnel for Tomorrow
- Pioneering DNA that Enables Sustained Growth
- Enhancing Corporate Value on the World Stage
- Division Companies (PDF 1,897KB)
- Division Companies at a Glance
- Textile Company
- Machinery Company
- Aerospace, Electronics & Multimedia Company
- Energy, Metals & Minerals Company
- Chemicals, Forest Products & General Merchandise Company
- Food Company
- Finance, Realty, Insurance & Logistics Services Company
- Headquarters
- A Good Corporate Citizen
- Operational Structure
On January 28, 2009, we revised the financial statements as below.
- Financial statements for full years from FY 2004 (for the year ended March 2004) through FY 2008 (for the year ended March 2008)
- Interim financial statements for FY 2007 (for the year ended March 2007) and FY 2008 (for the year ended March 2008)
- Quarterly financial statements for the first and second quarters of FY 2009 (for the year ending March 2009)
The revision is not reflected on the information on this page. Please refer to the links below for the reference of this revision of financial statements.
- “Report on the Discovery of Delays in Collections of Receivables under the Tri-Nation Trade Transactions and the Uncovering of a Financial Assistance Scheme Disguised as Sales Transactions” (disclosed on January 28, 2009) (PDF 105KB)
- “(Revision) Announcement Regarding Revisions to Financial Statements of Past Fiscal Years” (disclosed on January 28, 2009) (PDF 420KB)
- Financial Statements

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