Prevention of Pollution and Resource Circulation

Policy and Basic Concept

Prevention of Pollution

Within its business activities, ITOCHU will strive to prevent and reduce environmental pollution caused by chemical substances and oils, and marine plastic waste, reduce emissions of air pollutants, and reduce and properly process hazardous waste and wastewater. We will fulfil our responsibility of pollution prevention by complying with international declarations, agreements, and treaties, as well as with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate. We shall also comply with any other agreements that we have consented to.

Resource Circulation

ITOCHU handles a wide range of products, from plastics to metals, rubber, cement, and foodstuffs. We have identified “Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply” and “Address Climate Change (Contribute to a Decarbonized Society)” as ones of our key sustainability material issues. We will contribute to the formation of a circulating society with our business investees and stakeholders in the value chain of the products we handle to reduce the procurement of raw materials that have a negative impact on the environment and natural capital, and to promote resource circulation. We aim to realize resource circulation through the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and substituting sustainable raw materials from the design stage of products and services, and promoting sorting, collection, and recycling business for used products. We will actively work to procure raw materials and products with third-party certification for sustainability, with due consideration of appropriate use of natural capital, traceability, and consideration for local communities, etc.

Targets and Action Plan

ITOCHU sets qualitative management targets and quantitative performance targets to promote better practices in pollution prevention and resource efficiency. The environmental targets and achievements in FYE 2024 are as follows.

Qualitative Targets

Please scroll sideways.

Item Boundary Target FYE 2024 Results and Evaluation
Prevention of Environmental Pollution and Compliance with Laws and Regulations Risk Assessment for Investment and Financing Projects

ITOCHU Corporation

Perform pre-investment/financing assessments based on the ESG Checklist, which includes environmental assessment criteria.

Properly implemented

Raising Management Levels through Auditing


Conduct internal audits on environmental management systems to ensure compliance, improved environmental efficiency, and better overall management.

Properly implemented

On-Site investigations of Group Companies


Select appropriate Group companies and conduct on-site environmental management investigations for them.

Properly implemented

Promotion of Awareness Activities Raising Awareness of Laws and Regulations


Increase internal awareness on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act and the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act, as well as other relevant regulatory developments by providing learning opportunities such as seminars and courses. We will also monitor and review participation/uptake rates of these trainings in relevant segments of the company.

Properly implemented

Resource Conservation, Promotion of Resource Circulation, and Monitoring of performance Office Waste Reduction

ITOCHU Corporation

Reduce waste and promote recycling in office activities in accordance with our EMS.

Properly implemented

Paper Consumption Reduction Target

ITOCHU Corporation

Reduce paper consumption by raising awareness of our targets internally.

Properly implemented

Quantitative Targets

Please scroll sideways.

Item Boundary Target Period Target Progress in FYE 2024 Against Targets Assessment
Prevention of Pollution Serious Environmental Accident

ITOCHU Corporation*

Every Fiscal Year

0 Serious Environmental Accidents



NOx SOx Emission Concentration


Every Fiscal Year

Suppress to a level 20% below the legal standard



ITOCHU Ceratech Corporation

Every Fiscal Year

Suppress to a level 20% below the legal standard



Resource Circulation・Waste Discarded Volume of Waste Discarded

Tokyo Headquarters

March 2025

6% Reduction Compared to FYE 2019

35% Reduction Compared to FYE 2019


Recycling Rate

March 2025




Resource Conservation Paper Consumption

ITOCHU Corporation

March 2025

3% Reduction Compared to FYE 2019

59% Reduction Compared to FYE 2019


  • ITOCHU Corporation, Overseas offices, Group companies subject to compliance

Action Plan

Please scroll sideways.

Risks Opportunities
  • Negative impacts on the natural environment including those related to resource circulation.
  • Deterioration of relations with local communities and subsequent loss of social license to operate.
  • Increased resource demand due to population growth and enhanced living standards in emerging economies.
  • Creation of customer trust and new business opportunities through stable and sustainable supply chain practices.

Please scroll sideways.

Materiality SDGs Targets Impact Classification Issues to Address Business Area Commitment Specific Approach Performance Indicators Degree of Progress
Textile Company
Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply
Prevention of Pollution and Circulating Society Reducing our environmental burden by circulating society Textile products in general We will contribute to realize a circular society through our sustainable textile products and recycling of them. Promote sustainable products and projects leading to the recycling of resources. Promote the sustainable products such as “RENU”, a recycled polyester derived from textile, and set up schemes to recycle textile products.
  • The environmental impact of handling recycled polyester through the RENU project is as follows (estimated for FYE 2024). Waste volume to be made into “RENU”: equivalent to 6.3 million T-shirts, CO2 reduction: 1,931 tons, Water usage reduction: 6,500 kiloliters.
  • Approximately 3,000 collection points for “Wear to Fashion”, the clothing recycling service (as of March 2024).
  • Launched the “ARChemia Project” as a joint project between textiles and chemicals, and started it to transform used clothing into chemical products with high environmental added value.
Machinery Company
Address Climate Change (Contribute to a Decarbonized Society)
  • Water Resources
  • Pollution Prevention and Resource Recycling
Improving water and sanitation infrastructures Water and environmental projects We will contribute to improve the sanitary conditions, the development of economic activities, and the protection of the global environment through the appropriate treatment and effective use of water and waste. Expand water and environment projects to promote the appropriate use and treatment of water and the effective utilization of resources, and reduce the burden on the environment. Expand the investment portfolio in the water and environment field which contribute to social demands for the environment and the promotion of a circular economy.

Environmental Field

  • UK: Our operations encompass four municipal solid waste incineration and power generation facilities (waste-to-energy plants), processing 1.3 million tons of waste annually. This accounts for 10% of the UK’s waste incineration market and provides electricity for 160,000 British households.
  • Serbia: We have initiated an integrated waste management business, including an Energy-from-Waste (EfW) project in the City of Belgrade. The project anticipates a reduction of approximately 210,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions and has received Certification of Carbon Credit from the Gold Standard.
  • UAE: The first Energy-from-Waste (EfW) project in Dubai, we are advancing the construction of the world’s largest EfW plants. These facilities are designed to process half of the Dubai’s municipal solid waste annually (1.9 million tons).
  • Saudi Arabia: We are actively engaged in integrated hazardous waste management services in Jubail Industrial City.
Energy & Chemicals Company
Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply
Plastic Efforts leading to solutions to social problems Plastic-related environmental response We will contribute to solving social problems (e.g., marine plastics and waste plastics) that urgently require measures with a plastic-related environmental response. Supply environmental materials and establish a recycling/reuse program in collaboration with brand owners. Build a recycling-oriented-model by enhancing our handling of environmental materials and establishing a recycling/reuse program.
  • Including Coca-Cola who joined a new member of the BLUE Plastics project, we conducted a demonstration trial of a service for tracing the progress of recycling used plastic bottles on a digital platform for the realization of a resource-circulating society using a smartphone app. We will expand the demonstration trials at three FamilyMart stores in Tokyo.
  • We have launched the recycling business for flooring material together with the launch of DESSO, an eco-friendly flooring material produced by European construction material manufacturer Tarkett S.A., in the Japanese market through Lilycolor CO., LTD., an interior design and decorating wholesaler.
  • We succeeded in developing and establishing a mass production system for recycled nylon fishing nets combining Aquafil’s developing ECONYL® ingredient.
Food Company
Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply
Pollution Prevention and Resource Recycling Supply and use of environmentally friendly resources and materials Fresh food field Through the reduction of food loss, we will contribute to the promote the effective use of the resources and reduce the environmental impacts. The company will brand and commercialize the out-of-spec Dole bananas discarded in Japan and Philippines as Mottainai bananas and distribute them in the market again.
  • Reduction of waste at the production site (Philippines)
  • Reuse of discarded bananas (Japan)
  • Reuse of discarded bananas (Philippines): 19,953MT in FYE 2024.
  • Reuse of discarded bananas (Japan): 910MT in FYE 2024.
Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply
Pollution Prevention and Resource Recycling Reduction of food loss, promotion of recycling Overall food-related businesses We contribute to the realization of a circular economy by promoting food loss reduction throughout the entire supply chain in the food distribution sector. Promoted measures to reduce food loss in the domestic wholesale business. The company has implemented improvement measures based on the policies of “no food loss,” “sell out products,” and “donate food products”. In the domestic wholesale business, in addition to strengthening inventory management through the use of IT technology, the company contributes to the reduction of food loss by utilizing its domestic sales network and donating to food banks. Newly added from FYE 2025.
ICT & Financial Business Company
Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply
Pollution Prevention and Resource Recycling Provide products/services that support the realization of a sustainable lifestyle. Reuse / Recycling Business Contribute to the development of a sustainable society by making most of limited resources through the distribution of used mobile phones and tablets in the Japanese market.
  • Expand supply channels in order to realize a sustainable and stable procurement of resources.
  • Reinforce promotional activities in order to raise the awareness of secondhand mobile phones/tablets.
  • Expand product variation and supply channels.
  • Expand distribution outlets.
  • The number of models handled increased from 671 (FYE 2023) to 856 (FYE 2024). (27.6% increase over the previous year)
  • Procurement sources increased from 6 companies (Japan, Hong Kong, and US) in FYE 2023 to 12 companies (Japan, Hong Kong, and US) in FYE 2024.
  • Distribution channels remained strong due to sales through major e-commerce companies.

Structures and Systems


Our governance structure and systems to manage environmental and social risks, including pollution prevention and resource recycling, are as follows.

Refer to: Governance

Evaluation of Pollution Prevention and Resource Circulation in New Business Investment Projects

For business investment projects that ITOCHU undertakes, the impact of the project on society and environment is evaluated in advance using the ESG Checklist for Investments, a checklist that must be submitted when entering into new business investment projects. For example, it includes monitoring the status of pollution prevention and resource circulation. The project is then only undertaken upon confirming that there are no problems in the results of those investigations.

ITOCHU considers ensuring stable procurement and supply to be a material sustainability issue. We work to effectively utilize and to ensure stable procurement and supply of resources according to demand in each country with consideration for the environment (e.g., biodiversity). In doing this, we are aiming for a circulating society.

Assessment of Pollution Prevention and Resource Circulation at ITOCHU Group

We have been conducting annual on-site investigations for Group companies having relatively high environmental impacts since 2001 to strengthen our environmental risk management. Throughout the assessment, we engage with the senior management team to assess the company’s status of exhaust and wastewater, chemical handling, and waste disposal.

Assessment of Efforts on Pollution Prevention and Resource Circulation in the Value Chain

Assessment of Sustainability Risk in Products We Handle

When handling a new product, ITOCHU conducts sustainability impact assessment on all our products to evaluate their environmental and social risks, compliance with environment-related laws and regulations, and stakeholder relations, using LCA analysis methods from the procurement of raw materials to the manufacturing, use, and disposal stages of the product. In cases significant risks of environmental pollution or resource depletion risks are found in the value chain, we formulate various regulations and procedure manuals for the applicable product being subject to priority management, and specific education programs.

Sustainability Surveys for Suppliers

To realize a sustainable procurement and understand the actual conditions of our suppliers, each company and applicable Group company selects important suppliers based on certain guidelines (e.g., high risk countries, products handled and monetary value handled). The sales representatives of those companies and representatives from overseas subsidiaries and operating companies then visit those suppliers to conduct interviews. They also conduct sustainability surveys in a questionnaire format to check our important suppliers’ status of exhaust, wastewater, and waste treatment, and resource recycling efforts including energy and raw material conservation. Continuous improvement is made by requesting suppliers to make corrective actions when necessary.

Management of Chemical Substances

The chemicals handled in the Chemicals Division are those that have potentially serious impacts on human health and the natural environment and have become subject to various laws and regulations that aim to ensure appropriate handling across the supply chain – including during manufacturing, sales, transportation, and storage. Furthermore, the appropriate management of chemicals is crucial from a business perspective for our Chemicals Division as well, as violations and cases of non-compliance can impact the regulatory approvals we require on certain products.

There is an international trend to minimize risks at every level of the entire supply chain of chemicals. Against this background, both advanced nations and developing nations have started to introduce new regulations and to make large-scale revisions to existing regulations. Consequently, the regulatory environment in the handling of chemicals is expected to become ever stricter in the future.

We recognize the importance of compliance with laws and ordinances in addition to knowledge of products and the industry as a company that handles chemicals. Our basic policy is that each individual should engage in business in accordance with the requirements of laws and ordinances upon correctly understanding the laws and regulations concerning the products that they are in charge of handling.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations in the Divisions Handling Chemical Substances

Handbook on Chemical-related Regulations (cover page image)

At ITOCHU, the Chemicals Division has cross-functional oversight of our management of chemical substances. This includes oversight of the sales departments that handle chemical substances, which sit within the Chemicals Division, as well as relevant subsidiaries that handle chemical substances. In addition, the Chemicals Division has oversight of any sales divisions and subsidiaries outside of their direct control if chemical substances are used.

We strive to comply with laws and regulations through a management method based on a combination of thorough inquiries to specialized external consulting organizations and the use of a centralized management system to track environmental legal compliance. The management system was developed internally in 2016 and allows us to confirm and record applicable laws and measures at the chemical substance level for each product. We also provide training and educational opportunities to relevant sales staffs, supplemented by e-learning materials and handbooks that summarize the main points of relevant laws.

The external consulting organization that we currently employ for chemical substance management is Techno Hill Co., Ltd. (Headquartered in Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Kazuyuki Suzuki). Techno Hill has comprehensive knowledge regarding the field of chemical substances and provides us with informed advice on management systems, applicable laws and regulations for each product, and general trends movements in the industry.

In order to maintain and improve the abilities of each person in charge at a high level, we distribute its own handbook on chemical-related regulations to all persons in charge. There are 32 laws and regulations covered in this handbook, each of which outlines important aspects of compliance requirements. The purpose of this handbook is to educate our employees, especially new recruits and sales personnel, on the laws and regulations specific to the chemical industry.

By taking these initiatives, in FYE 2024, there were no major violations caused (e.g., license suspensions).

Management Structure for Emergency Response and Accident Response

ITOCHU responds as below in accordance with our accident and emergency response regulations.
If an accident occurs during the handling or storage of toxic or hazardous substances, we respond as follows in line with the Pharmaceutical Key Toxic and Hazardous Substance Risk Prevention Procedures Manual.

  • We will make reports as necessary according to the emergency contact network in the above manual. In addition, we will take prompt action to limit the risks caused by toxic and hazardous substances.
  • In the event of splashing, leaking, outflow, seepage or penetration underground, we will immediately notify the health care center, police station or fire department to that effect when there is a fear of a risk to the health of an unspecified or large number of people. At the same time, we will take measures to prevent risks to health.


Introduction of Individual Initiatives

1. Reduce

Initiatives to Introduce Environmentally-friendly Packaging in FamilyMart Stores

FamilyMart Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of ITOCHU, has set goals of increasing the ratio of environmentally-friendly containers and packaging* to 60% by 2030 and 100% by 2050, as part of its efforts to curb plastic use in FamilyMart Environmental Vision 2050.

By changing the specifications of containers and packaging, FamilyMart is working to reduce the amount of petroleum-based plastics used in the raw materials of containers and packaging and to promote the use of environmentally-friendly materials. We will continue to work toward achieving our 2030 and 2050 targets with the understanding and cooperation of our suppliers and consumers.

  • Containers and packaging made from materials including plant-based biomass plastics and recycled PET

Major Initiatives in Environmentally-friendly Packaging

Details of Initiatives Reduction in Use of Plastics
All salad containers are made of environmentally-friendly materials such as biomass plastic. Reduction of about 900t per year
Containers of private brand natural water are gradually replaced with recycled PET plastic bottles made from 100% recycled PET resin. Estimated reduction of about 260t per year
  • For hand-rolled rice balls, all product packaging films have been replaced with biomass polypropylene (bio-PP) blend materials.
  • The sandwich packaging has been thinned and the shape of header has been changed from square to trapezoidal.
Reduction of about 19t per year
Some containers of pasta products contain bio-PP, which has obtained ISCC certification.
Reducing the weight and changing the materials of chilled bento and sushi containers are expected to result in reduction. Estimated reduction of about 421t per year
Thinning the pasta container which is not using bio-PP container and using bio-PP in some of the materials. Estimated reduction of about 93t per year

Effort to Reduce Plastics at Convenience Stores

In accordance with the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics that went into effect in April 2022 in Japan, FamilyMart has set a goal of reducing the amount of petroleum-based plastics use by FYE 2031 by 50% from FYE 2020 level, and is working to reduce the amount of plastic spoons, straws, and other items distributed to customers who purchase boxed lunches, desserts, beverages, and other items.

Results of Major Initiatives to Reduce the Use of Certain Plastic Products

Start Year Details of Initiatives Reduction in Use of Plastics
  • Design of the handle of the plastic spoon was changed.
  • Design of the handle of the plastic fork was changed.
  • Reduction of about 12% per year
  • Estimated reduction of about 65t per year
  • FamilyMart launched the "Convenience Wear Blue Green" project to sell products made with environmentally-friendly materials, such as washable and reusable cutlery sets, open-and-wash straws, and spoons and forks made with biodegradable biopolymers.
  • Discontinuation of providing plastics forks as a general rule. (If requested, chopsticks are offered as an alternative or forks can continue to be provided)
  • Estimated reduction of about 250t per year
  • Partial implementation of charging for spoons, forks, and straws in some stores.
  • Estimated reduction of about 4t per year

Develop Environmentally-friendly Garbage Bags “nocoo”

“nocoo” Environmentally-Friendly Garbage Bags

Sanipak Company of Japan Ltd., a subsidiary of ITOCHU, has developed “nocoo” environmentally-friendly garbage bags that reduce CO2 emissions. The use of natural lime stone as a raw material for nocoo reduces plastic use by approximately 20% and reduces CO2 emissions during the manufacture and combustion of garbage bags by approximately 20% compared to 100% polyethylene garbage bags. In FYE 2024, sales of nocoo in the 47 prefectures of Japan totaled 5,622 tons, contributing to a reduction in plastic use of 1,293 tons and a reduction in CO2 emissions (when incinerated) of 3,531 tons.
With nocoo, we will continue to address environmental issues that are familiar to everyone, such as reducing CO2 emissions through regular garbage disposal.

Refer to: nocoo websiteopen in new window(Japanese only)

2. Reuse/Recycle

RENU® Project Aims to Realize Circular Economy

“RENU”, Recycled Polyester Made from Textiles Waste

In the spring of 2019, we launched a project called the RENU® project (“RENU”), which aims to address the issue of excessive waste in the fashion industry and realize circular economy. As its first product, we are developing recycled polyester made from textiles such as waste leftover fabric and used clothing. We will contribute to realize circular economy by developing this project through the entire supply chain of the fashion industry from raw materials to consumers.

Refer to: RENU® project websiteopen in new window

RENU Aims for a Closed Loop Economy

The environmental impact of handling recycled polyester at RENU project is as follows.

FYE 2021 FYE 2022 FYE 2023* FYE 2024*
Feedstock equivalent to T-shirt

3.5 million pieces of

6.0 million pieces of

6.3 million pieces of

6.5 million pieces of

Reduced CO2

521 tons

893 tons

1,931 tons

2,010 tons

Reduced Water

875 kiloliters

1,500 kiloliters

6,500 kiloliters

6,760 kiloliters

  • Adopted LCA (FYE 2022 version)

Expansion of the Textile Collection Service for a Circular Economy

ITOCHU and ECOMMIT Co., Ltd., which develops resource circulation businesses through reusing and recycling, have signed an agreement to expand the textile collection service “Wear to Fashion” in the Japanese market. Starting spring 2022, the service will gradually be offered to all companies and local governments in Japan. As of March 2024, we are collecting textiles from about 3,000 locations. We plan to collect approximately 6,000 tons of textiles in FYE 2025.

With this new initiative as a part of the RENU Project aimed at solving a problem in the textile and fashion industries, textile products coming out of various sites will be collected and sorted through combining ITOCHU’s network in the textile and fashion industries and ECOMMIT’s system from collection to resource circulation. Reusable products will be reused utilizing ECOMMIT’s knowledge, and recyclable polyester products will be made into RENU. In doing so, the amount of discarded textile products will be reduced as much as possible and aims to realize a circular economy.

ARChemia Project, a Recycling Project for Used Plastics and Textiles

In March 2023, ITOCHU signed a memorandum of understanding with Resonac Corporation regarding a joint study aimed at promoting a used plastic and textile recycling business. Based on this memorandum, we launched the ARChemia Project and began a collaboration to supply Resonac with recycled solid raw materials containing a mix of used plastics and textiles known as RPAF*1 and turn it into chemical products such as low-carbon ammonia with high environmental added value. We aim to increase the supply of RPAF to 10,000 tons in FYE 2028. Through the ARChemia Project, a joint project between chemicals and textiles, we will solve the social issue of waste and contribute to the development of circulating society.

ARChemia Project Outline
  1. RPAF: Refuse derived Plastics paper and Apparel densified Feedstock
    A solid raw material for gasification-based chemical recycling adjusted for calorie generation, made mainly from used plastics, used paper and used textiles.
  2. KPR Plant: Kawasaki Plastic Recycling Plant of Resonac

The Recovery of Nylon Waste to ECONYL® Nylon Products

Fishing Nets Used as Raw Material for ECONYL

ITOCHU and Aquafil S.p.A. have concluded capital and business alliance to promote and expand the businesses of circular nylon production.

Nylon is used for textiles and plastic materials made through petrochemistry in a range of fields such as fashion, carpeting, fishing nets, food packaging, and automobiles. However, many products use nylon blended with other materials in a compound form, making it a difficult material to be recycled.

Recycled Zippers and Recycled Buttons

In 2011 Aquafil created its ECONYL® Regeneration System that turns recovered nylon waste such as fishing nets, carpets and post-industrial waste back to caprolactam (CPL), a crude raw material. Through its proprietary chemical recycling technology, Aquafil eliminates impurities completely, to achieve regenerated nylon product having the same features of the virgin quality materials. ECONYL® nylon is made completely from waste, which enables up to 90% CO2 reduction compared to conventional nylon made from petroleum.
ITOCHU will leverage on its Group’s diverse network and expand sales for applications in fashion, carpeting, automobiles, and packaging materials. In February 2022, YKK Corporation, which is a global leader in the manufacturing and sale of zippers, Aquafil and we are jointly developing environmentally-friendly recycled zippers and recycled buttons.

Moreover, we plan to enforce Aquafil’s nylon recovery scheme using its existing sales chain and will also implement the Partnership from the perspective of the stable supply of raw materials to Aquafil. Through its collaboration from the recovery of waste to the sale of Aquafil’s products, we aim to expand the businesses of nylon circularity.

Development of Environmentally-friendly Flooring and Launch of Flooring Material Recycling Business

Office Image Utilizing “DESSO”, Eco-friendly Flooring Material

ITOCHU has launched the recycling business for flooring material together with the launch of DESSO, an eco-friendly flooring material produced by European construction material manufacturer Tarkett S.A., in the Japanese market in cooperation with Lilycolor CO., LTD., an interior design and decorating wholesaler.

Its new DESSO is an environmentally-friendly product based on recycling that enables the fiber surface part of the flooring material to be separated from the base material of the floor, making it possible to recycle the components.

This project aims not only to sell DESSO but also to contribute to the expansion of flooring material recycling through this collection and recycling scheme.

The License Business of Polyester Chemical Recycling Technology

ITOCHU, Teijin Limited, and JGC Holdings Corporation have established a joint venture company, RePEaT Co., Ltd., to license technology for the chemical recycling of polyester products in January, 2023.

In response to urgent needs to counter global warming, the fiber and textile industry is working on measures, including the establishment of ecosystems for resource recycling, to address issues such as CO2 emissions from manufacturing processes and the mass disposal of used clothing. Currently, disposed textile products are used as a heat source (thermal recovery) or as raw materials for the production of other products (material recycling). Chemical recycling, however, is a revolutionary method of chemical decomposition for textile recycling that turns used textile products into new textile raw materials.

RePEaT will license recycling technology by taking advantage of Teijin’s proprietary chemical recycling technology, the expertise of JGC derived from its global engineering business, and ITOCHU’s extensive network of textile industry players. Customers in Japan and other countries are expected to launch the cost-effective chemical-recycling business for the production of polyester materials.

In addition, RePEaT will provide consulting services to help customers establish ecosystems that collect used polyester fiber products for reuse as raw materials, thereby contributing to a more sustainable world through recycling.

Providing One-Stop Waste Management Services

Franchise companies with nationwide operations have traditionally disposed of waste on a small and decentralized scale on a store or area of franchise system basis, resulting in issues such as inefficiencies in labor and costs for each business and the risk of legal violations.

ITOCHU Metals Corporation (IMC) has established a recycling network centered on the ITOCHU Tetsugenkai, which consists of more than 100 excellent recycling companies nationwide, and provides a centralized management service, including IMC's own electronic manifest system, until waste is disposed of and recycled. This system helps to significantly reduce the risk of legal violations and disposal costs for waste generators, as well as improving recycling rates.

IMC currently provides a variety of services to support the initiatives of companies in various industries, including convenience stores, store fixture manufacturers, and beverage manufacturers, by offering a cross-industry recycling platform. In addition, IMC realizes the 3Rs by reusing waste materials that can be reused from the waste materials IMC is entrusted to manage at its maintenance sites, thereby contributing greatly to the formation of a circulating society.

Leading UK for Collecting and Recycling Casing Tyres

PRO-gran Crumb Rubber Made by Casing Tyres

Murfitts Group Ltd, a company under ITOCHU subsidiary European Tyre Enterprise Limited, collects and processes casing tyres in the UK each year. Using the recovered material, it manufactures a range of recycled products such as rubber crumb products for sports surfaces, pathways, children’s playgrounds, carpet underlay, modified asphalt and many other industrial applications. Its products are exported to markets across the globe.

Murfitts also has been developing and commercializing a proprietary pyrolysis technology, which decompose the tyre feedstock at high temperatures in a vacuum in order to recover various high-value materials such as carbon black and recycled fuel oil. This technology will help promote sustainability initiatives in the tyre industry by replacing one of major raw materials of tyres, carbon black, with a recycled product.

The Cooperative Development of Material Recycling Technology for Multi-layer Film Packaging

ITOCHU has entered into an agreement for cooperative development of material recycling technology for multi-layer film packaging with artience Co., Ltd. (former Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co., Ltd.)

In 2019, artience developed a technology to separate the ink, adhesive, etc. that make up the multi-layer film or packaging in cooperation with the world’s largest environmental solutions company. A demonstration pilot plant started operation at the end of 2022, and, moving forward with LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) appraisals, cost simulations, and other verifications. artience plans to start a post-industrial recycling business in 2023, and aim to start the business under commercially conditions as soon as possible. In addition to acquiring exclusive marketing rights in Japan and first refusal rights in Asia and Europe related to major product materials related to this technology, we will widely provide environmental solutions to food and consumer products company, retailers, brand owners, and more through requests to build structures for material recycling using this technology and to design recyclable, environmentally-friendly packaging.

Through this initiative, both companies will make currently un-recyclable multi-layer film packaging into a recyclable product, aiming for a more than 40% material recycling rate in Japan and abroad.

Verification of the Value of Traceability in the Recycling of Plastic Bottles

ITOCHU Corporation, ITOCHU Plastics Inc., FamilyMart Co., Ltd. and Asahi Kasei Corporation are conducting a demonstration trial (hereinafter “the Trial”) on recycling of plastic beverage bottles with the use of a prototyped traceability system at real FamilyMart store under the BLUE Plastics project in September 2022. BLUE in the project’s name is an acronym for Blockchain Loop to Unlock the value of the circular economy. In June 2023, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Co., Ltd. joined the project and the Trial was expanded and re-implemented.

The results of the Trial in September 2022 indicated that the use of a smartphone app increased the volume of PET bottles collected at the relevant stores by more than double the normal amount, and also greatly improved the quality (bottle cleaning, label removal, etc.). As Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan participates in the Trial, it is possible to trace the whole process of recycling from the collection of used bottles to the making of new bottles, compared to the previous Trial which only traced up to the recycling companies. Also, the recycling app has been updated to allow consumers to feel a sense of participation in the recycling results, in order to further enhance the quality and quantity of the deposited plastic bottles.

Through a series of activities including the Trial, we will verify the value of traceability ensured by the digital platform and push further ahead plastic resources recirculation.

3. Renewable

Number One Trader in the World for the Cement Substitute of Blast Furnace Slag

Structure Made with Blast Furnace Slag

Blast furnace slag is a by-product of the steelmaking process. As its property is similar to a cement, a blast furnace slag can substitute a cement. The benefits of using a blast furnace slag are, firstly, that it helps us save natural resources (e.g., limestone – the raw material of cement) and, secondly, that it enables us to cut CO2 emission coming from cement manufacturing process. About 840kg of CO2 is reduced when a ton of cement is produced with using blast furnace slag.

We have been selling blast furnace slags from Japan and other countries to all over the world for over 20 years and volume-wise, we are the No.1 independent blast furnace slag trader. As there is more call for carbon neutrality globally, a blast furnace slag will be needed even further. Our mission is to develop and keep a stable supply chain of blast furnace slag to end users and be a part of the global decarbonization efforts.

Collaboration to Introduce Renewable Biomass Polypropylene in the Japanese Market

Japan has formulated a basic strategy to introduce approximately two million tons of biomass-based plastic products by 2030 as a countermeasure against ocean plastic waste and climate change.

ITOCHU has reached an agreement with Borealis AG (Borealis) and Borealis and Borouge Pte Ltd. to introduce biomass polypropylene (bio-PP) derived from renewable resources and develop its business in the Japanese market. Borealis, one of the world's leading manufacturers of plastic resins, began commercial production of bio-PP in March 2020 and has been expanding sales to Europe and the rest of the world. We target to commercially launch food containers and packaging materials made of bio-PP. FamilyMart initially in Japan began replacing some of its pasta containers made with bio-PP. We are also working to develop products in a diverse range of fields, including sanitary products, household goods, cosmetics containers, office supplies, home appliances, and automobile parts.

ITOCHU has obtained ISCC PLUS certification for the domestic sales of Borealis bio-PP manufactured by the mass balance method. This certification proves sustainable raw material procurement in a way that can be traced through the supply chain, and the portion of biomass raw material contributes to GHG emissions reduction.

Collaboration with Outside Initiatives

Compliance with the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law

ITOCHU understands our own manufacturing and import volume of containers and packaging every year to recycle containers and packaging. We then pay a recycling fee to the Japan Containers and Packaging Recycling Association. The aim of this is to contribute to promoting the formation of a circulating society as a specified business operator prescribed by the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law.

The Recycling Fee We Pay Every Year

(Unit: Yen)

Please scroll sideways.

Fiscal Year FYE 2018 FYE 2019 FYE 2020 FYE 2021 FYE 2022
Recycling Fee / Contribution Fee Recycling Contribution Total Amount Recycling Contribution Total Amount Recycling Contribution Total Amount Recycling Contribution Total Amount Recycling Contribution Total Amount Weight (t)
Glass Bottles Colorless


































Other Colors

















PET Bottles

















Paper Containers and Packaging

















Plastic Containers and Packaging


































Food Recycling

ITOCHU makes regular reports on the amount of food we discard and the amount we recycle in Japan to comply with the Food Recycling Law. We are striving to suppress the generation of waste and to promote recycling (e.g., conversion into feed) in line with the reference rate (recycling rate target).

Please scroll sideways.

Food Recycling Rate
FYE 2020 FYE 2021 FYE 2022 FYE 2023 FYE 2024
Quantity recycled

Amount of food waste generated (Unit: t)






Amount of recycling
(Unit: t)






Amount of disposal
(Unit: t)






Target (recycling rate target by individual food related operator)

Reference rate






Percentage recycled

Recycle rate*1






  1. Recycle rate is calculated as in below formula defined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
    (Amount of suppressed waste (vs FYE 2008) + Amount of recycling + Amount of heat recovery × 0.95 + Amount of weight reduction) / (Amount of suppressed waste (vs FYE 2008) + Amount of waste food generated)
  • FYE 2025 recycling rate target: 80.8%

Initiative Participation (Activities Through Business and Industry Groups)

ITOCHU is participating in the Global Environment Subcommittee of the Committee on Environment and Safety – an environment and energy related committee of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren). We are working to realize an environmental policy compatible with the economy (e.g., through promotion of voluntary action plans, and measures for global warming, waste and recycling and environmental risks including water management). We are also participating in the Environment Working Group of the Japan Foreign Trade Council. We are striving to build a decarbonized society, construct a circulating society, and to support environmental related laws and regulations. The goals set by the Environment Working Group are as follows.

Reduction Target for FYE 2026 in Domestic Business Activities (Trading Company Industry)

  • Disposal Amount: Reduce 82% compared to FYE 2001
  • Generation Amount: Reduce 62% compared to FYE 2001
  • Recycling Rate: 83% or more