Respect and Consideration for Human Rights

Policy and Basic Concept

Respect and consideration for human rights is an important issue for ITOCHU as we deploy our business activities in various regions around the world. ITOCHU also asks all our stakeholders to approve, understand and put into practice the human rights policy of ITOCHU in addition to education for employees to respond to this important issue.

The ITOCHU Group Human Rights Policy

The ITOCHU Group has adopted the "ITOCHU Group Human Rights Policy" (hereinafter "the Policy"), drafted based on our Corporate Mission, Guideline of Conduct, Code of Ethical Conduct, and The ITOCHU Group Sustainability Policy. This Policy iterates our commitment to respect the human rights of our stakeholders and address negative impacts that may arise from our business activities.

1. Policy Scope and Our Expectations Toward Business Partners

This Policy applies to all worldwide executives and employees of the ITOCHU Group, including contractors and temporary employees. The ITOCHU Group also expects business partners and other relevant stakeholders to comply with this Policy.

2. Endorsement of International Agreement

The ITOCHU Group supports international agreements on human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Global Compact, which we have been a signatory to since 2009. We will also implement measures aligning to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

3. Legal Compliance and Respect for Internationally Recognized Human Rights

The ITOCHU Group will comply with the laws and regulations in the respective countries and regions where we perform our business activities in addition to Japan. If there is a contradiction between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and ordinances of a country or region, we will pursue a method to maximize respect for international human rights principles.

4. Management Approach

The ITOCHU Group will build structures to realize this Policy. The Sustainability Officer will bear the responsibility to oversee the compliance and implementation situation of this Policy.

5. Human Rights Due Diligence

Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ITOCHU Group will implement human rights due diligence in order to identify, prevent and mitigate negative impacts on human rights and fulfill our commitment to accountability.

6. Remedy and Rectification

If the business activities of the ITOCHU Group induce a negative impact on human rights or if involvement in such becomes clear, we will strive to remedy and rectify that through appropriate procedures and dialogue.

7. Dialogue and Consultations

The ITOCHU Group will leverage external human rights expertise in its implementation of human rights due diligence and will engage in dialogues and consultations with our stakeholders – especially those potentially subject to adverse impacts from our business activities.

8. Education and Awareness

The ITOCHU Group will provide appropriate education to all executives and employees (including contractors and temporary employees) and strive to raise human rights awareness in order to incorporate and implement this Policy in our business activities.

9. Communication on this Policy and Our Relevant Initiatives

This Policy will be approved by senior executive in charge of sustainability and be reported to our Board of Directors and we will widely publish it to the public. We will also report on our human rights initiatives based on this Policy on the ITOCHU website and in our ESG Report.

Fumihiko Kobayashi
Member of the Board
Executive Vice President
Chief Administrative Officer

Established in April 2019
Revised in April 2020

Refer to: Code of Ethical Conduct

Individual Policy

Response to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

ITOCHU is committed to initiatives to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain and business activities. We are participating in the United Nations Global Compact. Together with this, we are reflecting the concept of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in our business activities. Our existing principles contain initiatives to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking do not occur in our sales activities and supply chain across the world.

Refer to:Status of Initiatives at ITOCHU Europe PLC. (Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement)Open in a new window

Consideration for Foreigners

If foreign workers, interns and trainees are accepted in our supply chain, we pay full attention so that we comply with the labor related laws and ordinances in the country concerned and so that we do not commit acts contrary to the purpose of that acceptance system. We do this from the point of view of respect for human rights and relief because such people are liable to become the target of illegal acts due to their low social and economic status.

Respect for the Rights of Children

ITOCHU supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and Children's Rights and Business Principles. We respect the four pillars of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - a child's right to life, development, protection and participation.

ITOCHU has adopted the development of the future generation as one of the ITOCHU Group Basic Activity Guidelines on Social Contribution. We perform activities to support the healthy development of the young people who will be responsible for the future generation.
Related activities can be found here.

Approach to the Use of Security Personnel

In order to ensure the safety of our business operations in various parts of the world, ITOCHU uses security personnel. When necessary, we may employ armed security personnel. We are aware of the potential risk of human rights violations that may accompany the handling of weapons, and employ personnel in each country based not only on adherence to local law but also on international standards.*

  • United Nations Global Compact, Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, etc.

Respect for the Rights of Indigenous People

We recognize that indigenous people have their own culture and history when we conduct business activities in regions where indigenous people live as part of our commitment to respect human rights. We respect and take into consideration the rights of indigenous people established in the laws of the countries and regions where we perform our business activities and international agreements (e.g., the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 169). When examining new business investment projects, we also strictly enforce prior checks concerning the impact on the rights of indigenous people by that business.

Job Creation and Employment Concept

The ITOCHU Group works to make local contributions by local hiring during the diverse business activities we engage in around the world. We strive for coexistence with the local regions in which we operate and to contribute to the development of international society. We comply with the statutory minimum wage and strive to pay at least a living wage when we hire local employees. Doing so leads to human resource development in the region and helps stimulate local economies. Moreover, we believe this contributes to sustainable development. When an ITOCHU Group company in Japan or overseas engages in business activities in a particular region, as the parent company, ITOCHU supports to formation of a management structure for ensuring that the company complies with relevant laws and provides an optimal labor environment for its employees. (Group companies report to division companies based on their operating domain and the division company provides direct support.) The ITOCHU Group is comprised of some 300 companies in Japan and overseas, and works to balance business and regional development by hiring and training local staff.

Policy on Decommissioning of Mining Operations

When decommissioning mining operations, the ITOCHU Group undertakes appropriate measures based on laws and regulations as well as a mine decommissioning plan. We believe it is important to minimize any effects on the environment and society.
Through environmental and social impact assessments based on stakeholder dialogue during the project study stage as well as during operations, the creation of business plans that include future mine decommissioning plans and rehabilitation based on environmental monitoring, and reviews by relevant authorities and external experts, we strive to minimize the environmental and social burdens of our business on the communities in which they are based.

Oaky Creek Coal Mine Rehabilitation

Through ITOCHU Minerals & Energy of Australia Pty Ltd, our wholly owned subsidiary, we are participating in the active Oaky Creek raw coal mining project in Queensland, Australia.

Depression from Mine Development

This project is developing a rehabilitation plan for the mine area in advance of its closure based on the decommissioning policy. Decommissioning and rehabilitation costs are periodically reevaluated and reflected in business plans. By undertaking rehabilitation in line with the plan, we are minimizing impacts on the environment and society.

Depressions created through coal mine development are backfilled using topsoil excavated during the mining process to reach a state suitable for final land use. At that time, appropriate management of wastewater quality is important. Regarding underground mining areas, detailed geological surveys are undertaken at the time of decommissioning, and measures are undertaken to prevent land subsidence and manage industrial water.

Completed Rehabilitation

After decommissioning, coal-washing equipment, pipelines, conveyor belts, and other ground-level equipment are completely removed, and ground-leveling operations are undertaken.

After backfill and leveling are completed, planting begins. Following restoration, we undertake long-term monitoring on land stability and plant growth.

Targets and Action Plan

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Risks Opportunities
  • Business delay or business continuity risk resulting from the occurrence of a human rights problem in business activities that expands (geographically).
  • Decline in credibility that may result from defects in the social infrastructure services we provide.
  • Stabilization of business or securing of excellent human resources resulting from harmonious coexistence with local communities.
  • Establishment of safe, stable supply system for product enabled by the consideration of human rights and improvement of work environment in the supply chain.

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Materiality SDGs Targets Impact Classification Issues to Address Business Area Commitment Specific Approach Performance Indicators Degree of Progress
Textile Company
  • Respect and Consider Human Rights
  • Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply
Supply Chain Establishing a supply chain reflecting consideration for human rights and the environment Textile products in general We will promote dealings with companies which respect human rights and which engage in environmental management throughout their entire supply chains. Strive to understand at an early stage the human rights, social and environmental risks in supply chains by continually conducting surveys on major suppliers. Conduct on-site visit surveys and questionnaires at more than 50 major suppliers a year on an ongoing basis. In FYE 2024, surveys were conducted for 74 suppliers in China and the Asian region. As a result, no significant issues were identified. We also confirmed that follow-up actions were in progress such as maintenance of internal regulations that was considered as an issue through the human rights due diligence carried out in the previous year.
Machinery Company
Respect and Consider Human Rights
Supply Chain Establishing a supply chain reflecting consideration for human rights and the environment Overall electric power and plant projects We will contribute to improving the quality of life of all stakeholders in the supply chain and business investment destinations. Set rules on due diligence related to social and business environmental safety for suppliers and business investment destinations based on the distinctive characteristics of each business, implement due diligence, and strengthen monitoring continuously. Implement the due diligence described on the left in all new development projects. We continue operations to check the core subjects outlined in the social responsibility guidelines by employing a company-wide ESG checklist across all investment projects. Prior to investment, we conduct due diligence on each development project, assessing its social and environmental integrity based on the unique characteristics of each business.
Metals & Minerals Company
  • Respect and Consider Human Rights
  • Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply
  • Mining
  • Electric Power・Mining・Oil and Gas Fields
Sustainable mine development that pays continuous careful attention to the risks in occupational safety and health and environmental risks, and that contributes to local communities’ well-being Mining business
  • We will promote sustainable development of natural resources by fully committing to EHS (environment, health, occupational safety) and harmonious coexistence with local communities in areas which our mines operate.
  • We will improve local infrastructure such as medical care and education.
  • Ensure the thorough application of the EHS guidelines and employee education.
  • Contribute to local communities through activities for improving medical care, education and infrastructure.
  • Implementation of annual internal seminars to ensure our employees are fully aware of the EHS guidelines.
    • EHS seminar attendance rate: 100%.
    • Rate of checks implemented on EHS compliance in existing and operating projects to be possessed in long term and new mining business: 100%.
  • Donations to medical care and education, and building infrastructure in local communities.
    • Carry out CSR activities in all existing and operating projects to be possessed in long term (100%).
  • We held internal EHS (environment, health and occupational safety) guidelines training courses for supervisors and staffs engaged in mining projects. The attendance rate of the training was achieved 100%.
  • We checked the proper compliance to the EHS guidelines for one new project, nine existing projects, and one another resource-related project.
  • We carried out social activities at the communities where our projects are located.
Food Company
  • Respect and Consider Human Rights
  • Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply
Supply Chain Establishing a supply chain reflecting consideration for human rights and the environment Provisions field We will develop a procurement structure compliant with third-party body certification and supplier-specific codes of conduct.
  • We will promote procurement compliant with supplier-specific codes of conduct in coffee bean and cacao bean producing countries.
  • We will strengthen the handling of oil certified by the RSPO - a third-party certification organization for palm oil.
  • We will support the establishment of a promotion and distribution system in Japan for MSPO/ISPO in cooperation with domestic industrial associations. The aim of this is to encourage the use of certified oil systems in producing countries.
  • Coffee beans: Promotion of procurement of products compliant with supplier-specific codes of conduct or certified products based on our procurement policy.
  • Cacao beans: Promotion of procurement of products compliant with supplier-specific codes of conduct (sustainable products) based on our procurement policy.
  • Palm oil: Procurement of palm oil based on our procurement policy. Promotion of the disclosure of the set KPI indicators and supplier information.


  • Coffee beans: Aim for a 50% switch to sustainable coffee beans.
  • Cacao beans: Aim for a 100% switch to sustainable coffee beans.
  • Aim for a 100% switch to sustainable palm oil.
  • Coffee beans: We achieved our quantitative target for FYE2024 of a certified product ratio 20% or more. (Actual result is projected to be 37%.) We achieved a significant increase over the previous year by acquiring market share for UCC and Ajinomoto that had been acquired by other trading companies in the previous year. BtoB level disclosure of digital traceability information utilizing Farmer Connect (coffee traceability platform) has reached 3 thousand MT in FYE 2024.
  • Cacao beans (traceable products): achieved 64% (5,950MT of traceable beans out of 9,253MT total.)
  • Palm oil: Check supplier’s sustainable palm oil sourcing policies through regular surveys, and continue purchasing based on our procurement policies. At the same time, we continue to publicize the ratio of RSPO certified Palm Oils and Traceable To Mill etc.
  • Ratio of RSPO Certified Palm Products/Oleo chemicals
    • Palm Oils 29%
    • Oleo Chemical Products 72%

Support Achievements to Each Producing Country (Qualitative)

  • Coffee Beans:
    • Support for Mobile Clinics / Guatemala
      Through Unex, medical care is provided to coffee producers and their families living in mountainous areas without nearby hospitals.
  • Sesame:
    • Support for Livelihood Improvement in Malawi Infrastructure support to Malawi through collaboration with Takemoto Oil & Fat. In FYE 2023, the provision of ambulances and medical equipment was implemented. In FYE 2024, 9 wells were constructed.
    • Support for Small-scale Sesame Farmers in Paraguay
      Through collaboration with Kadoya Oil, support is provided to farmers, including technical guidance, agricultural tools such as seeders and sieves, and provision of seeds.
  • Respect and Consider Human Rights
  • Ensure Stable Procurement and Supply
  • Forest
  • Stable Supply of Resources
Establishing a supply chain reflecting consideration for human rights and the environment Fresh food field We will contribute to increased employment and an improved living environment by fostering local industries. We will diversify producing areas to disperse weather risks in our Dole business. In addition, we will develop new producing areas to expand employment and improve the living environment through the growth of local industries.
  • Cultivate pineapples in Sierra Leone to develop a producing area followed by the development program in the Philippines.
  • Start the commercial production and export of pineapple processed foods in Sierra Leone.
  • Employment: 1,857 employees as of 2024 March.
  • Pineapple Production: 16,000MT in FYE 2024.
  • Signed a partnership agreement with a non-profit organization for medical collaboration. Started providing maternal healthcare services to employees, their families, and local residents of Sierra Tropical Limited, a local company.

Structures and Systems

ITOCHU promotes the formulation and implementation of action plans with respect and consideration for human rights serving as one of our key issues. Under the sustainability promotion structure, the person responsible for this issue is the Sustainability Officer while the Sustainability Management Division serves as the secretariat to constantly prevent negative impact on human rights in collaboration with the persons responsible for ESG in each division. The secretariat establishes this system and performs a review every year together with the ESG officers in each division. This content is deliberated on and reported to the Sustainability Committee. Important matters are also discussed and reported to the Board of Directors.

Structure for Promoting Human Rights: Sustainability Promotion Structure Chart

Human Rights Due Diligence

The ITOCHU Group is fulfilling our responsibility to respect human rights based on The ITOCHU Group Human Rights Policy established in April 2019. Specifically, we continuously identify and assesses the negative impact from the corporate activities of the ITOCHU Group on human rights that may affect society. We then work to prevent and mitigate such impact by taking the appropriate steps. Therefore, following the procedures detailed in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we establish a human rights due diligence mechanism to assess a wide range of human rights issues, including five core labor standards (Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining, Forced Labor, Child Labor, Discrimination, Occupational Safety and Health) set out in “The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.” In addition, we disclose information on the progress and results of our action.

Human Rights Due Diligence Procedure

Comprehensive Human Risk Assessment of Business
Various Material Research, Surveys, and Interviews with Sales Departments

Conduct Questionnaire Survey of Suppliers (including Indirect Suppliers) in the Priority Survey Target Business and Target Countries Based on the Results of Risk Analysis

Implement Supplier Engagements

Identify Human Rights Issues, Discuss Future Policies, and Request Remediation

Check and Follow the Progress

Impact and Assessment on Human Rights

Targeting business areas in our company, we identified salient human rights issues on which we should focus our efforts to prevent any negative impact by referring to international guidelines and indicators, such as SA 8000, with the cooperation of the external professional organization, and conducted several risk mapping.

Identified Issues

Child Labor, Forced Labor, Health and Safety, Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining, Discrimination, Disciplinary Practices, Working Hours, Remuneration

Implementation Process:
  • Country Risk Mapping: Assessment on identified issues in the countries of the Suppliers’ location
  • Business Area Risk Mapping: Study on human rights items to consider, including identified issues

    Issues Textile Machinery Metals & Minerals Energy & Chemicals Food General Products & Realty ICT & Financial Business The 8th
    Child Labor
    Forced Labor
    Health and Safety
    Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
    Disciplinary Practices
    Working Hours
    Migrant Workers
    Human Trafficking
    Indigenous Human Rights
    Impact on Local Communities and Residents
    Land Acquisition and Resettlement
  • Merchandise Risk Mapping: Survey of merchandise risk levels by country

The following merchandise should be handled with particular consideration.

Selected Merchandise: cotton, clothing, palm oil, coffee, tuna, natural rubber, wood products

In our company, we continuously take into account country, business area and merchandise risk, and promote responsible procurement in consideration of human rights.

Implementation Status

We have started conducting human rights due diligence for each business sector based on the impact on and assessment of human rights as described above, starting with the Food Company in FYE 2021. We have confirmed that there were no significant negative impacts in the business fields in which we have carried out assessments in the past. In the next few years, we plan to implement human rights due diligence sequentially in all business sectors.

At the same time, in order to mitigate human rights and labor risks in the supply chain, we continuously conduct supply chain sustainability surveys to major business partners in all business areas every year.

Refer to: Supply Chain Sustainability Survey Initiative

New Business Investment Projects

For more details, please refer to “ESG Risk Assessment for New Business Investment Projects”.

Existing Business

When entering into business with new suppliers, ITOCHU informs all applicable suppliers in advance of the Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply Chains. If a matter in violation of the purpose of this policy is confirmed, we seek corrective measures from that supplier. At the same time, if it is judged that correction is difficult even though we have made continuous requests for correction, we deal with this under a stance of reviewing our business with that supplier.
We also perform due diligence with the seven core subjects of ISO26000 serving as the mandatory survey items (including modern slavery and human trafficking) when making new investments with major suppliers. We conduct additional due diligence with external specialist organizations for investment projects requiring a professional point of view.

Supply Chain Management

For more details, please refer to Sustainability in the Value Chain and Response to Suppliers in Violation of this Policy.

Risk Assessments

We conduct risk assessment on human rights including modern slavery and human trafficking. We do this through group company fact-finding surveys in which we visit sites together with external experts as appropriate. This is in addition to our supplier surveys in due diligence. We have also established policies and responses for procurement by product in regards to products with a significant impact on society and the global environment. This is an attempt to reduce the risks in our supply chain.

Refer to:Human Rights Audits in the Poultry Industry in Thailand

Grievance Mechanism

The ITOCHU Group has multiple points of contact for receiving concerns and complaints from stakeholders. In case that we are found to be involved in a negative impact on human rights, we take appropriate measures to remedy the situation.

Consultation Desk for Supply Chains

ITOCHU is a regular member of the Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER), which provides the “Engagement and Remedy Platform” in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This platform allows any stakeholder in the supply chain to report violations or suspected violations of international and national codes of conduct. By accepting grievances through third-party channels, we strive to ensure fairness and transparency, promote dialogue and redress more than ever, and remedy identified affected parties. When receiving reports, we ensure the anonymity of the person making the report and the confidentiality of the report.

JaCER Grievance PlatformOpen in a new window
Periodic updates of information in response to the report through JaCER, including the nature of the report and its status, will be disclosed on the website of JaCER while ensuring the anonymity of whistleblowers.

Consultation Desk for Employees

We have established an employee consultation desk called 7830 (Nayami Zero) to respond to worries and consultations from each individual employee. We have also posted the HR Help Guide Book on the Intranet and have widely informed employees about the consultation desk. This means we have established a structure in which it is possible for employees to consult with us.

HR Help Guide Book on the Intranet

Career Counseling Center

ITOCHU established Career Counseling Center ahead of other companies. This center accepts workplace culture, human relations, treatment and harassment related consultations in addition to consultations on individuals’ careers by telephone, fax and e-mail. Full-time career counselors with national qualifications as career consultants deal with these consultations.


In addition to a direct hotline to those responsible for compliance in each division, we have also established multiple whistleblowing contacts both in Japan and overseas (including external whistleblowing contacts that utilize specialized company and external lawyers). We accept reports from employees who have an employment relationship with ITOCHU, those who have been dispatched to ITOCHU under a worker dispatch contract from a company that has entered into that contract with ITOCHU (temporary employees), and employees of group companies. It prohibits the unfavorable treatment (e.g., retaliation) of whistleblowers and allows whistleblowers to provide information anonymously.

Flow When Received a Report by the Japanese External Report Reception Desk (Integrex Inc.)

ITOCHU Corporation applied for recognition under the Whistleblowing Compliance Management System (Phase 1: self-declaration of conformity), which was newly introduced by the Consumer Affairs Agency of Japan. Our conformity with certification standards was confirmed and our registration was accepted as of April 10, 2019 (first to be registered in this system in Japan).

Consultation Desk for the General Public (including Stakeholders)

ITOCHU Corporation has established a system to accept opinions, proposals, and grievances and to accept inquiries from the general public and all our stakeholders, as described below.

Refer to: Inquiries


Implementation of Fair Recruitment

Human resources are the greatest management resources for ITOCHU – a company deploying a variety of businesses globally. ITOCHU conducts activities to recruit those newly graduating from universities and graduate schools every year.

Relevant data: Number of Hires by Gender and Adoption Rate for Mid-Career

We also offer internships (work experience workshop) every year separate to our recruitment activities. The aim of these internships is to provide support to university and graduate school students in forming their careers. We provide opportunities to deepen knowledge about the business of trading companies and about working in a trading company.

ITOCHU recruits employees chiefly on the basis of their personal character. We recruit employees fairly and impartially without concern for their race, gender (including sexual minorities such as LGBTQs), religion, nationality, age or otherwise. We have provided human rights education with lecturers from the Tokyo Metropolitan Human Rights Promotion Center and have also reflected that content in our interviewer education. We have also established a watchdog system in which employees are selected and notified to serve as watchdogs to establish a fair recruitment screening system.

Training Programs

We raise awareness about the relationship between our corporate activities and human rights in our various internal training programs. We develop the mind to respect human rights that should be possessed as an ITOCHU person in our new employee training. For example, we hold training to acquire consideration for race, gender (including sexual minorities such as LGBTQs), religion, nationality and age from the basic concept of human rights and points of concern. We raise the problem of sexual harassment (including discriminatory behavior and harassment toward sexual orientation and gender identity) and abuse of authority in internal training aimed at organizational heads. We provide education and instruction for measures when harassment has actually occurred and when we have received reports of such. We strive to create an environment that does not allow harassment on a daily basis. Through these initiatives, we are aiming for a thorough understanding toward human rights. We are also striving to raise awareness in various regions by looking at consideration for human rights in our supply chain in pre-overseas assignment training. There were 1,402 participants in our human rights training in FYE 2024.

Relevant data: FYE 2024 Human Rights Training Record

In addition to the above training, we provide opportunities for officers and employees of ITOCHU all over the world to learn about business and human rights with online general sustainability education.

Refer to: Sustainability Awareness Activities at ITOCHU

Sustainability Seminars

We have continued to hold internal seminars since FYE 2008 on human rights issues. The aim of this is to adopt insight and opinions from those outside the company. We made business and human rights (in the supply chain) a theme in FYE 2019. We then looked at the fact consideration for human rights is becoming even more important as a trend in society surrounding sustainability in FYE 2020 and FYE 2021.
We are continuing to conduct awareness activities for business and human rights. The purpose of these is to learn about the latest trends concerning corporate activities and human rights problems and to make use of that in our business as a general trading company which deploys various businesses across the world and which plays an important role in the supply chain.

Refer to: Seminar Details

Various Publications

We are endeavoring to raise awareness of human rights. The aim of this is to ensure that human rights violations do not occur in the workplace. We are doing this through various publications that we distribute to all our employees and publish on the Intranet.

  • We convey our basic concept on respect for human rights through The ITOCHU Group Code of Ethical Conduct and The ITOCHU Group Human Rights Policy to all our employees.
  • We call on our employees not to induce human rights violations in business in our compliance handbook. We do this by establishing pages on respect for human rights and harassment with concrete examples.
  • We have described checkpoints in a handbook on communication with our suppliers. This is so that those in charge of surveys can understand the actual state of the management of human rights and labor practices in suppliers even more clearly and so that they can then offer advice on making improvements. This ensures that the supply chain sustainability survey mechanism functions. At the same time, we utilize this in keeping those in our company informed.

Countermeasures against Harassment

ITOCHU is raising awareness on the importance of making systems well-known and engaging in communication through organizational head training. We are doing this so that pregnant employees and employees persevering with their work while being engaged in childcare and nursing care can also contribute to their workplaces with a sense of their work being worthwhile. This is without employees in the workplace being subjected to abuse of authority or sexual harassment (including disadvantaging and harassing employees who are applicable to sexual minorities). Superiors encourage employees with restrictions due to balancing their work with childcare or nursing care to make use of the related systems appropriately. In addition to this, we are also ensuring employees are fully informed about the importance of reviewing work content, work division and work styles over the entire workplace. Furthermore, we have thoroughly established a workplace environment which does not allow discriminatory remarks relating to sexual orientation or gender identification and remarks made under unconscious assumptions of gender segregation. We have also established a desk to receive consultations from employees.
The following are clearly defined as prohibited acts in human rights violations under the work regulations: discrimination relating to work by race, gender, religion, creed, nationality, body, illness, age or any other irrational reason; sexual harassment (including discriminatory behavior and harassment relating to sexual orientation and gender identity); and workplace bullying. The regulations stipulate disciplinary action to be taken against such behavior.

In FYE 2024, we conducted “Harassment Prevention Training” targeting all manager level employees including those seconded from the company and assigned in overseas (approx. 1,800 individuals). During the training, there were lectures from experts on the causes and mechanism behind harassment and shared lessons learned from cases studies. We are striving for the elimination of any kind of harassment from all workplaces.

Human Rights Training for Ready-made Meal Manufacturers

Information of Consultation desks for human rights is provided in the training by FamilyMart

FamilyMart, a group company, holds Meetings to Share Information on Human Rights Issues in the Supply Chain for managers involved in the hiring of ready-made meal manufacturers who supply products to FamilyMart stores and the formulation and implementation of labor-related policies. The aim of these meetings is to prevent human rights risks and to promote understanding of those risks.

The ITOCHU Group will continue to work to reduce human rights violation risks across the entire value chain in the Group.

Meeting Details

Kazuo Tase, SDG Partners, Inc.

  • Responsibility of companies for human rights
  • Prevention of human rights problems and dealing with such problems when they occur
  • Question-and-answer session

Pineapple Production Business Promoting Local Employment, Supporting Living Infrastructure, and Improving Productivity

For more details, please refer to Community Contribution in Social Contribution Activities.

An Oil Project in the Caspian Sea, which Ensures a Stable Resource Supply and Contributes to Local Communities for Harmonious Cooperation

For more details, please refer to Community Contribution in Social Contribution Activities.

Cooperation with Stakeholders

Participation in Workshops on Human Rights Issues

  • Business and Human Rights Academy (UNDP)
  • Dialogue and Remedy Workshop (JaCER)
  • Human Rights Education Subcommittee (GCNJ)