Natural Capital and Biodiversity (Information Disclosure Based on the TNFD Recommendations)

Policy and Basic Approach on Nature Capital and Biodiversity

ITOCHU invests in businesses and trades globally from raw materials and other areas of the upstream processes to the downstream processes. We depend heavily on renewable and non-renewable natural capital which benefits people such as plants, animals, the air, water, land and minerals. Our businesses may also have a negative impact on that natural capital.

We see addressing global environmental issues, including natural capital and biodiversity, as a top management priority. Accordingly, we have established the following Biodiversity Policy to promote conservation of biodiversity as indicated in the ITOCHU Group Environmental Policy to realize the ITOCHU mission of “Sampo-yoshi” (good for the buyer, good for the seller and good for society). Based on the Biodiversity Policy, we will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. We are also engaged in initiatives in business-related areas as part of our social contribution activities in communities.

Biodiversity Policy

  1. Biodiversity-friendly Environmental Management

    We recognize that our business activities depend on the blessings of biodiversity and that they may affect the ecosystem. Accordingly, we shall promote environmental management that incorporates a wide range of environmental activities (such as interrelated climate change measures, resource circulation measures and biodiversity conservation) into our business activities to build a society in which we coexist with nature.
  2. Understanding and Reducing the Impact of the Relationship between Business and Biodiversity

    We are aiming for a net positive impact on biodiversity by understanding the relationship between our business activities not only in our group companies but across our entire group and biodiversity from a global perspective. We shall strive to avoid and minimize the impact our business activities have on biodiversity. At the same time, we shall promote the restoration of the ecosystem.
    We have established a procurement policy to protect natural forests and forest resources concerning forest commodities (such as timber, natural rubber and palm oil). We shall promote information gathering to confirm there is zero deforestation due to production from protected areas designated by law.
  3. Compliance with International Treaties and the National Laws of Each Country

    We shall promote the conservation of biodiversity by complying with international treaties on biodiversity (e.g., the Convention on Biological Diversity) and the relevant national laws of each country.
    We shall promote social contribution activities to protect endangered species in the areas in which we conduct business activities. This is in addition to not participating in transactions relating to endangered species designated by the Washington Convention (CITES)* with our business activities.
  4. Enhancement of Partnerships and Conservation of Local Ecosystems

    We shall look to share awareness of biodiversity by cooperating with industry groups, supply chains, NGOs and international organizations. We shall then make our biodiversity conservation efforts more effective.
    We shall take into account conservation of biodiversity in the areas in which we conduct business activities. At the same time, we shall promote conservation of biodiversity from the perspective of creating communities that utilize natural resources to contribute to the realization of affluent and safe lives in local communities. We shall do this together with stakeholders such as local residents and NGOs in addition to governmental bodies.
  5. Enhancement of Information Sharing and Dissemination

    We shall promote understanding of biodiversity to local residents of the areas in which we conduct business activities in addition to our employees through awareness activities.
    We shall contribute to raising awareness of biodiversity over the whole of society by continuously disclosing the details, targets and achievement status of our efforts.
  • CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Fumihiko Kobayashi
Member of the Board
Executive Vice President
Chief Administrative Officer

Established in April 2022


Governance for Nature-related Issues

ITOCHU acknowledges addressing sustainability issues, including natural capital and biodiversity, as one of our key management issues. Therefore, our Board of Directors deliberates and makes decisions on important matters such as policies to address nature-related risks and opportunities, and annual budgets and business plans which take into account risks and opportunities.

We have given the Sustainability Committee the overall management responsibility for planning and implementing various measures to address sustainability-related matters including natural capital and biodiversity. Our Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is a Director with responsibility for nature-related issues. Together with this, the CAO is a member of the Headquarters Management Committee (HMC) at the executive level. The CAO also serves as the Chair of the Sustainability Committee. The CAO reports the matters deliberated and decided on by the Sustainability Committee together with the situation of the main activities to promote sustainability to the Board of Directors about twice a year. The Board of Directors considers the matters deliberated and decided on by the Sustainability Committee according to those reports. Through these procedures, the Board of Directors appropriately oversees the promotion of business and investment strategies to address environmental and social risks and opportunities. This includes reviewing those strategies and making asset replacement decisions. Moreover, the managers in each company and Headquarters’ administrative division who also serve as ESG officers also participate as core members in the Sustainability Committee at the executive level. The Sustainability Committee receives reports about nature-related matters from the Sustainability Management Division and those in charge of promoting ESG in each company and Headquarters’ administrative division. The committee then uses those reports to manage and monitor progress on various measures and initiatives.

The Chair of the Sustainability Committee and the managers in each company (ESG Officers) hold a Sustainability Advisory Board once a year to enter into dialogue with external specialists. The Sustainability Advisory Board allows its members to grasp the expectations and demands society has in us. The members then promote its business with the consideration to those sustainability issues discussed in the Advisory Board.

Refer to: Our Sustainability-related Governance Organization

Nature-related Human Rights and Stakeholder Engagement

ITOCHU Group has established The ITOCHU Group Human Rights Policy based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This policy specifically expresses the ITOCHU Group’s concept of respect for human rights. We have used this policy to declare we will conduct human rights due diligence and enter into dialogue and discussions with potentially affected Groups and stakeholders.

We have also formulated “Respect for the Rights of Indigenous People” as an individual policy. This policy makes it clear we will respect and consider the rights of indigenous people as stipulated in the laws of the countries and regions where the ITOCHU Group engages in business activities and international agreements such as the “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 169. When considering a new business investment project, we strictly check in advance the impact that business will have on the rights of indigenous people. We also periodically conduct human rights due diligence even after starting that business. We conducted human rights due diligence from FYE 2020 to FYE 2024 in our food-related business (Food Company) textile-related business (Textile Company), and forest goods and materials-related business (General Products & Realty Company) with their high dependency on natural capital, and our metals-related business (Metals & Minerals Company) with its high impact on natural capital. We have also set the impact on local communities and residents as a human rights risk indicator to be investigated.

Refer to: Human Rights

Risk & Impact Management

ITOCHU monitors the risks to our business from changes in natural capital and biodiversity in each country and business site. We manage the nature-related risks we have identified as major risks (environmental and social risks) in our ITOCHU Group risk analysis. We consider and evaluate the nature-related risks we have identified during the investment decision process. We utilize risk identification, evaluation, information management and monitoring systems in each department responsible for managing these risks on a consolidated basis.

Identification and Evaluation of Nature-related Risks

ITOCHU acknowledges risk management as a key management issue. Therefore, we have established a basic risk management policy for the ITOCHU Group and develop the necessary risk management systems and techniques based on the concept of the COSO-ERM framework. As stated in the ITOCHU Group Environmental Policy, we collect information on laws and regulations related to environmental conservation and then comply with them. We have also introduced an environmental management system (EMS) based on ISO14001. We recognize the impact our business activities may have on the environment and society. We also work to grasp the status in our Group companies.

For example, we grasp and evaluate water risks at manufacturing sites using the WRI Aqueduct tool developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI). We also periodically identify and evaluate other nature-related risks in line with the frameworks established by the international organizations we mention later.

Refer to: ITOCHU Group Risk Management

Integrating Nature-related Risk Management into the ITOCHU Group Risk Management System

Due to the nature of our broad-based operations, ITOCHU is subject to various risks, including market risks, credit risks and investment risks. In addition to establishing various internal committees and designated responsible departments, we have created a risk management organizational structure and management methods necessary to address these risks. This organizational structure includes outlining management regulations, investment standards, risk limits, and transaction limits, as well as establishing structures for reporting and monitoring to enable integrated Group risk management.

Nature-related risks are one of the major risks (environmental and social risks) subject to Group risk management. We incorporate this risk management into the evaluation methods for each business phase shown in the table below, which can broadly cover our business activities including management of investment, trading products, logistics, Group companies, supply chain, business strategy, portfolio, etc.

Nature-related Risk Management Procedures and Evaluation Methods for Each Business Phase

Business Phase Evaluation Method
Business start
  • Environmental and social risk assessments including nature-related risks for new investment projects (45 cases for FYE 2024)
Business management
  • Environmental risk assessments for handled products (LCA evaluation for the overall supply chain)
  • Group company environmental status surveys (2, 3 companies per year)
  • Supply chain sustainability surveys (ITOCHU and consolidated subsidiaries)
  • Internal environmental audits based on ISO14001 (ITOCHU Corporation and 3 applicable Group companies)
Review business strategy
  • Consider business strategy, portfolio restructuring

Nature-related Risk Management Systems

Business Start Phase (Evaluation of the Impact on Biodiversity for New Business Investment Projects)

We use the ESG Checklist for Investments to evaluate in advance the impact our business investment projects will have on the environment and society. This evaluation includes, for example, grasping the impact a project will have on the ecosystem and whether it will have an impact on the natural environment and biodiversity such as by depleting resources. If we find there will be an impact, we conduct a risk assessment. If necessary, we take measures such as requesting additional due diligence from an external specialist agency to confirm there will be no problems. Only then do we invest in the projects.

Business Management Phase (Assessment of the Impact on Biodiversity in the Value Chain)

Sustainability Risk Assessment on Handled Products

ITOCHU conducts a sustainability risk assessment for each new product we will handle. We use LCA analytical methods to evaluate the impact the product will have on the environment and society, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, relationships with stakeholders, and more. This evaluation covers the stages of the product from the procurement of its raw materials to its manufacturing, use and disposal. If there is a significant nature-related risk in the value chain, we subject that product to priority management. We then formulate and implement various regulations, procedure manuals, education on the specific work operational factors, and other measures.

Sustainability Survey for Suppliers

Each of our companies and applicable Group companies selects important suppliers based on certain guidelines, including high-risk countries, handled products and handled amounts, to grasp the status in our suppliers. Those in charge of sales at each company and those in charge at overseas subsidiaries and Group companies visit those suppliers and interview them. Those in charge also conduct sustainability surveys with questionnaires on important suppliers. We check the situation of initiatives for natural capital including biodiversity. We make continuous improvements by asking suppliers to address issues as necessary.

ITOCHU Portfolio Analysis

ITOCHU participates in the TNFD Forum organized by the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). In FYE 2023, with reference to the TNFD beta framework, we conducted a primary survey in our Group’s business on trial basis independently.

Phase 1

Correlate Business Units
and Processes

  • Prepare the information necessary for analysis using the ENCORE database.
Phase 2

Consider the Method of Evaluating the Dependency and Impact

  • Consider the details of the evaluation approach.
Phase 3

Map and Qualitatively Interpret the Dependency and Impact

  • Map the dependency and impact for each business.
  • Prepare the qualitative information to support the mapping above.

Steps for Evaluating the Dependency and Impact on Natural Capital and Biodiversity of Our Entire Business Portfolio

Dependency and Impact Mapping
  • The dashed lines show the average dependency and impact scores of all ENCORE processes

Specifically, we classified the activity processes carried out in the value chain, including upstream and downstream of our business, according to the processes specified by the natural capital impact assessment tool (ENCORE) developed by the United Nations Environment Program and other organizations. Then, we aggregated businesses with similar processes and created 28 groups. For each of those 28 groups, we calculated the score for each dependency and impact while taking into account the degree of our involvement and other factors in the businesses in our value chain. We evaluated the dependency of each business on natural capital in six stages and totaled the dependency score. We also evaluated the impact in the same way in five stages and totaled the impact score. For instance, we can break down the evaluation of metal & mineral resource-related businesses into the following elements. The average of the evaluation scores for each of these business processes is shown as the results of this analysis.

We organized these results with the impact on the vertical axis and the dependency on the horizontal axis. This gives us a map of the dependency and the impact as shown in the figure on the right.


Initiatives in Business with a High Impact

We conducted a secondary evaluation of our business with a high impact using the LEAP approach*1 on trial basis to confirm validity of the evaluation for impact on natural capital using ENCORE. The LEAP approach comprehensively evaluates the natural capital-related issues advocated by the TNFD.

  • Determine the scope of analysis. Next, identify the activity areas of your businesses and value chains. Identity sensitive locations with high priority from biodiversity and water risk perspectives.
  • Identify the dependency and impact on natural capital in the sensitive locations with high priority.
  • Evaluate the ecosystem services, impact drivers and related natural capital to evaluate the size and scale of important dependencies and impacts.
  • Assess the short-, medium- and long-term risks based on the dependency and impact situation.
  • Confirm the current risk management situation and then consider the additional necessary measures against risks.
  • Input the evaluation related to the important nature-related risks and opportunities to managers. Consider strategies, resource allocation and target setting.
  • Disclose in accordance with the TNFD recommendations.

Overview of the LEAP Approach
Organized by ITOCHU based on the Guidance on the identification and assessment of nature-related issues: The LEAP approachPDF file

We then analyzed the dependency and impact on nature capital of mining process with an especially high impact score in our metal & mineral resource business which we determined has the highest impact on natural capital in our trial primary evaluation for ITOCHU portfolio using ENCORE.

First, we identified ecologically sensitive locations in the Locate analysis. We identified these sites using the five definitions for sensitive locations in the TNFD LEAP approach guidance and the indicators in the databases which organize the criteria for those definitions*2. We also identified relevant biome and ecosystem information using the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology and the Global Map of Ecoregions for some of our business sites after taking into consideration the importance of this business and we performed the Evaluate analysis for the dependency and impact on natural capital. We refined the dependency and impact measurement results in this analysis by investigating the TNFD sector guidance for metals and mining and local environmental assessment reports. As a result, it was confirmed that the mining process of the project has a significant degree of impact on natural capital, as suggested in the above trial primary survey.

As validity of the survey using ENCORE has been confirmed, we will further consider evaluating the project and taking actions related to natural capital based on the knowledge gained through this trial analysis.

  1. The LEAP approach is a method developed by the TNFD to clarify nature-related issues in applicable businesses. This method consists of four steps: Locate, Evaluate, Assess and Prepare.
  2. Databases used: WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter, WWF Water Risk Filter, STAR, Biodiversity Intactness Index, Ecoregion Intactness Index, Critical Natural Asset layers and IBAT.

Consideration for Biodiversity in Mine Closure

We engage in initiatives in mine closures as part of our activities to manage and reduce nature-related risks in mining in our metal & mineral resource business which we analyzed this time.

In our mineral resource development business, we have prepared Environment, Health, Safety (EHS) guidelines based on international standards*, which also stipulate the consideration of biodiversity in the closure of mines. Closure plans are designed not only for physical restoration but also for minimizing the impact and maximizing the benefits on the community by considering the local socio-economy and environment in cooperation with stakeholders. It will require to prepare funds, ensure the safety of the waterways constructed during the operation, prevent residual chemicals, and conserve ecosystems. Towards future mining closure, we have cooperated with project partners, assessed the environmental impact and formulate mine closure plans as stipulated by the regulations of countries where projects are located, and also put the system in place to check the implementation process of the plan by utilizing EHS check list.

  • EHS Guidelines of the International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Initiatives for Businesses with a High Dependency

Our businesses with a high dependency on natural capital are the procurement, manufacturing, processing and distribution of forest commodities (food, timber, natural rubber, palm oil, etc.). We have established procurement policies for each product to improve the sustainability of these businesses. We strive to procure products certified by international third-parties which allow us to identify the procurement area through traceability.

Refer to: Sustainable Procurement: Policies and Initiatives by Product Type

We categorize and organize initiatives in businesses with a high dependency on natural capital into four: avoid, reduce, restore/regenerate and transform. We perform this categorization using the framework of the Mitigation Hierarchy* in the AR3T Action Framework published by the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) in the Science-Based Targets (SBTs) for Nature.

Prevent negative impacts from happening in the first place; eliminate negative impacts entirely
Example: Adopt sustainable alternative raw materials and packaging materials
Minimise negative impacts that cannot be fully eliminated;
Example: Reduce waste and pollutant emissions
Initiate or accelerate the recovery of an ecosystem with respect to its health, integrity and sustainability, with a focus on permanent changes in state;
Example: Improve the soil or plant trees in land modified during business activities
Take actions designed within existing land/ocean/freshwater uses to increase the biophysical function and/or ecological productivity of an ecosystem or its components, often with a focus on a few specific ecosystem services.
Example: Protect endangered species
Transformative action, which covers the ways organisations can contribute to needed systemic change inside and outside their value chains.
Example: Develop sales and manufacturing models and participate in initiatives

Overview of the Mitigation Hierarchy
Organized by ITOCHU based on the Science Based Targets Network websiteopen in new window and TNFD RecommendationsPDF file

  • This is a tool to reduce the negative impacts from business on natural capital. It indicates the approach to predict and avoid or minimize risks to biodiversity (loss of wildlife habitats etc.) and impacts on local communities (release of pollutants which may impact health). It also shows the approach to recover as far as possible from any negative impacts which do occur.

As a result of the above analysis, we have found that we are actively taking actions relating to “avoid” and “reduce” which should be given top priority under the SBTs for Nature to reduce nature-related risks. We will continue to further promote AR3T actions in the future to realize nature positivity.

Analysis on Our Initiatives in Line with the AR3T Action Framework
Major Category Commodity Specific Initiatives
Forest resources Timber Avoid Achieving a handling ratio of certified or highly controlled materials of 100%
Transform Engaging with NPOs
Natural rubber Transform Participating in the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) as a founding member and cooperating in formulating and operating platform standards
Palm oil Avoid Achieving 100% traceability at the mill level
Transform Joined the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and promoting initiatives
Biomass fuel Avoid Procuring legally accepted woody biomass fuel according to the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and other third-party certification
Food Cacao beans and coffee beans Avoid Enhancing traceability of cocoa beans
Avoid Enhance the handling of sustainable certified coffee beans (target (FYE 2031): 50%)
Transform Providing technical support to small farmers such as by giving them agricultural technology to improve productivity
Dairy products Reduce Reducing ecological degradation by raising dairy cows while changing their grazing land regularly in New Zealand
Meat Avoid Built a system to enable 100% trace back to the production stage for all meat suppliers
Marine products Avoid Acquired distributor certification from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Chain of Custody Certificate (CoC)
Transform Encouraging fishermen about skipjack and yellowfin for which MSC certification is limited
Fruits and vegetables Reduce Using clean energy in our Dole business
Textile raw materials Cotton Avoid Acquired Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification and achieving 100% traceability for our procurement of organic cotton in India
Environmentally-friendly materials Reduce Launched the RENU® project with the aim of realizing a circular economy and started to develop recycled polyester
Apparel Outdoor apparel Restore/
Planning and selling charity goods and then using some of the proceeds in the funds to purchase land for tropical rainforest restoration and the protection of Borneo elephants

Initiatives in Business-related Areas

ITOCHU is working with stakeholders to protect endangered wildlife.

Mangrove Planting Project in Collaboration with Uken Village of Amami Oshima Island, a World Heritage Site

Since 2014, Uken village in the southwestern part of Amami Oshima Island has been involved in tree-planting activities using seedlings of Kandelia obovata*1 grown by local elementary school students as an initiative to proudly protect and nurture the rich and irreplaceable nature of their hometown, which is home to diverse species by the children. ITOCHU agrees with the purpose of the project and has been supporting the tree-planting activities since 2021, with a view to contributing nature positive*2 and generating blue carbon credits. In 2023, we concluded an industry-academia-government collaboration agreement with Uken Village, Sophia University, and Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. regarding environmental conservation and regional development in Uken Village, and ITOCHU is contributing through cooperation in tree planting and environmental education.

  1. Kandelia obovata is a species of plant that comprises the mangrove forests found in Kagoshima and Okinawa prefectures.
  2. The concept of halting and reversing biodiversity loss in order to put nature on a recovery track.
Started Mangrove Restoration Activities
Elementary School Students Planting the Seedlings They Have Grown
Employees and Others Planting Trees on a Tour Organized Through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration

Mangrove Ex-Situ Conservation Project

In addition to the in-situ conservation of Kandelia obovata in Uken Village, Amami Oshima, ITOCHU has started ex-situ conservation in collaboration with the Tsukuba Botanical Garden of the National Museum of Nature and Science. In 2022, we donated the seedlings from viviparous seeds to all the children of the elementary school near our Tokyo head office, Minato Ward's Aoyama Elementary School.

Ex-Situ Conservation in the Botanical Garden Cultivation Nursery
Exhibition at the Aquatic Plant Greenhouse of the Botanical Garden

Collaborative Conservation Project for Rare Freshwater Fish with Shiga Prefecture and Shiga Prefectural Lake Biwa Museum

Analysis in the Freshwater Fish Breeding Room in the Lake Biwa Museum

ITOCHU has been undertaking a collaborative project with Shiga Prefecture and the Shiga Prefectural Lake Biwa Museum since 2022 to conserve the endangered Ayumodoki fish, with the aim of preserving the environment in the area where ITOCHU was founded. Lake Biwa is one of only approximately 20 ancient lakes in the world, and home to more than 1,700 species of flora and fauna, including over 60 endemic species. It is also an important migratory site for waterfowl and is a registered wetland under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.

The Lake Biwa Museum breeds generations of endangered rare freshwater fish such as Ayumodoki. Approximately 35 species of Japanese freshwater fish are being bred and preserved in captivity at the Conservation and Breeding Center and breeding facilities in the Aquatic Exhibition; some populations are potentially extinct in their natural habitat. Continuing to preserve these species will serve as ex-situ conservation of rare freshwater fish in Japan, and it is an important initiative in anticipation of their future return to the wild.

Support for a Biodiversity Conservation Program in the Amazon

Amazon Rainforest: World’s Largest Rainforest — Said to Supply One Third of the Oxygen on the Earth
The Logo of Manatee Homecoming Project

ITOCHU established its office in Brazil in 1957 and has expanded business in various sectors including forestry and mineral products. Those products benefit from the abundant water and biological resources of Brazil, including the Amazon. Since FYE 2017, with the aim of conserving the environment and biodiversity, we engaged in activities to save Amazon manatees, a species in danger of extinction, through support for the “Field Museum Initiative” a biodiversity conservation program in tropical forests in the Amazon promoted by the Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University in collaboration with the National Institute of Amazonian Research in Brazil, and the construction of a research facility “Field Station”. This project is part of the SATREPS Project, a joint project between the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). With the support of ITOCHU, over the 3 years from FYE 2017, the project aimed to release more than 9 manatees to the wild and more than 20 manatees to the semi-wild. In fact, 27 manatees have been released to the wild and 31 manatees to the semi-wild, and more than 100 local residents have been provided with learning opportunities.

Refer to: Support of Amazon Ecosystem Conservation Program

Completed Field Station
The Amazonian Manatee is a Vulnerable Species

Project for Protecting Green Turtles, an Endangered Species

With the aim of conserving biodiversity, ITOCHU supports conservation activities for the green turtle, which is listed as an endangered species in the Ministry of the Environment Red Data Book, through the certified NPO Everlasting Nature (ELNA). ELNA was established in 1999 with the aim of conserving the marine life in Asia and the surrounding marine environment, and is an organization that has received certification as an NPO from Kanagawa Prefecture. Thanks to ELNA’s 24–hour conservation activities, the number of nesting sites of green turtles on the Ogasawara Islands is gradually increasing with repeated increases and decreases. In addition, as the accommodation for volunteers staying in Chichijima Island for conservation activities was aging, we supported the construction of a new accommodation facility with improved living environment and convenience, and completed a unit house in May 2020.

Refer to: ELNA activity reportopen in new window (Japanese Only)

Green Turtles, an Endangered Species
(Photographed on the Ogasawara Islands)
Employees Participate in Conservation Activities
Donated a Unit House for Volunteers to Stay

Tropical Forest Regeneration and Ecosystem Conservation Activities on Borneo

Borneo is a tropical forest region spanning three countries — Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. Its area is approximately double that of Japan. This makes it the third largest island in the world. Borneo, which is called a treasure trove of biodiversity, is developing. This has led to damage to the tropical forest to the extent that conservation of the ecosystem is not possible with natural regeneration alone. The WWF, a worldwide nature protection organization, is collaborating with the Forest Department in the local Sabah State to conduct an activity to regenerate a forest of approximately 2,400 hectares. This is taking place in North Ulu Segama, Sabah State in Malaysia in the northeastern part of Borneo — a forest regeneration area that has continued to be protected by the ITOCHU Group since 2009. The ITOCHU Group has supported the regeneration of 967 hectares of this land. The afforestation work was completed in 2014 and all on-site work, including maintenance and management work, was finished in January 2016. This is the largest area in which afforestation activities are supported by a regular company. This land is also home to the endangered species of the orangutan. The regeneration of this forest will also lead to the protection of many creatures living here in addition to this orangutan.

Refer to: Activities to Restore the Tropical Rainforests and Conserve Borneo’s Ecosystem

Afforestation with Tour Participants
Endangered Species of the Orangutan

Hunting World’s Borneo Support Activity

Protecting Endangered Species of the Borneo Elephant
The facility of Borneo Elephant Sanctuary

Hunting World, a luxury brand deployed by ITOCHU, has been using a logo with the motif of a young elephant without its tusks since the foundation of the brand in 1965. While serving as a symbol of freedom and revival, it also represents the challenge of looking toward the future in terms of the protection of endangered species. It contains the founder’s love and respect for nature. Hunting World has been supporting a biodiversity conservation activity being promoted by an NPO called the Borneo Conservation Trust (BCT) since 2008 to support the realization of coexistence with nature as called for by the founder. The brand plans and sells charity goods and then provides 1% of those proceeds to the BCT. This helps with the funds to purchase land for “Green Corridor Project*1” and the costs to protect Borneo elephants that have gone astray in plantations. The brand independently acquired the land in the “Green Corridor Project” zone with its assistance funds up to that point in the fall of 2011 to create the Hunting World Kyosei no Mori No.1 (Symbiotic Forest No.1 of Hunting World). Furthermore, the brand has continued support activities and has now acquired the Hunting World Kyosei no Mori No.4 (Symbiotic Forest No.4 of Hunting World). In 2019, the brand started supporting “Grateful Repayment Project*2” promoted by BCT Japan, which supports BCT. These donations have also helped with the funds to establish the Borneo Elephant Sanctuary, a facility for protecting and temporarily rearing injured Borneo elephants and to pay for food to keep Borneo elephants protected alive.

  1. Green Corridor Project: This is an activity to conserve biodiversity. The land between forest protection zones and forest reserves are purchased back. Divided forests are then connected to create a movement route for animals.
  2. Grateful Repayment Project: This is an activity to protect and temporarily raise Borneo elephants that have lost their places of life.

Metrics & Targets

ITOCHU conducts product certification and traceability for biodiversity conservation in products handled in businesses including the supply chain, and social contribution activities for biodiversity conservation in business-related areas. We consider forest resources (wood, wood products, paper raw materials and paper products, natural rubber, palm oil), dairy products, meat, marine products, and textile raw materials as important commodities for biodiversity and strive to disclose information and set goals for them.

Targets in Business Activities

Please scroll sideways.

Theme Target FYE 2024 Results SDGs
Biodiversity Conservation
Reduce the impact of ITOCHU’s products and projects on biodiversity conservation across our supply chain
By 2025, conduct a follow-up ESG risk assessment for all investment projects subject to high biodiversity risk (e.g., hydropower, mines, ships), where biodiversity should be a material risk item assessed, and implement a plan for improvement if necessary.
  • Revised the ESG Checklist and created a scheme to understand the status of biodiversity risk in new business investment.
  • Participated in the TNFD Forum and started investigating tools for analyzing risks and opportunities related to natural capital.
Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
Implement initiatives to improve the sustainable use of natural resources in order to stably produce and supply commodities related to forestry, fishing, and agriculture in the future
  • Timber, Timber Products, Raw Materials for Papermaking, and Paper Products: Aim to achieve 100% coverage of our products that are either certified or confirmed to be under progressive management standards.
  • Palm oil: Aim to switch all palm oil procured by ITOCHU to sustainable palm oil*1 by 2030. In particular, we aim to align our procurement to the NDPE principle*2.
  • Fisheries raw materials handled by ITOCHU: Increase the MSC*3 /CoC*4 certified products to 15,000 tons per year within 5 years.
  • The handling ratio of certified or highly controlled materials is 100% for pulp & wood, and 100% for chips.
  • Palm oil has 100% traceability to mill level in FYE 2024.
  • The ratio of sustainable coffee beans in our coffee bean procurement was 29%.
  • The volume of MSC/COC in fisheries raw materials in FYE 2024 was 10,000 tons.
  1. Sustainable palm oil: palm oil supplied from supply chains compliant to RSPO and RSPO-equivalent standards.
  2. NDPE (No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation): zero deforestation, zero peatland development, zero exploitations.
  3. MSC (The Marine Stewardship Council): an international NPO established in 1997 to work on spreading sustainable fishing. It is headquartered in London, England.
  4. CoC (Chain of Custody Certificate): A certification for processors and distributors to ensure the traceability of MSC certified marine products and other products in the management of processing and distribution processes specified by MSC.

Refer to: Policies and Initiatives by Product Type

Targets in Business-related Areas

Please scroll sideways.

Targets FYE 2024
Action Plans
FYE 2024 Results FYE 2025
Action Plans
Implementation and follow-up on social contribution programs aimed at environmental conservation
  1. Promoting the endangered species Ayumodoki (Parabotia curtus) in collaboration with Shiga Prefecture and the Shiga Prefectural Lake Biwa Museum.
  2. Continue promotion of the mangrove planting project in collaboration with Uken Village of Amami Oshima Island.
  3. Continue promotion of the project for protecting green turtles, an Endangered Species.
  1. In collaboration with Shiga Prefecture and the Shiga Prefectural Lake Biwa Museum, implemented a project to conserve the endangered species Ayumodoki (Parabotia curtus).
    Because we were able to obtain a large number of mature individuals capable of breeding, next year, we plan to introduce females from adjacent areas in the same water system and attempt breeding.
  2. We concluded an industry-academia-government collaboration agreement with Uken Village, Sophia University, and Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. regarding environmental conservation and regional development in Uken Village. As part of the collaboration, we organized an eco study tour and planted trees on Edateku Island in Uken Village.
  3. Since FYE 2017, we have continued to support a survey monitoring the number of green turtle spawns and a post-hatching survey conducted by the Ogasawara Marine Center of Everlasting Nature of Asia certified NPO that is working on marine conservation in the Asian region. The survey results suggest that the number of green turtles in Ogasawara has been stable in recent years.
  1. Continue promotion of the endangered species Ayumodoki (Parabotia curtus) in collaboration with Shiga Prefecture and the Shiga Prefectural Lake Biwa Museum.
  2. Continue promotion of the mangrove planting project in collaboration with Uken Village of Amami Oshima Island.
  3. Continue promotion of the project for protecting green turtles, an Endangered Species.

Performance Data

Performance Data in Business Activities

Performance Data on Business-related Areas

Endangered Ayumodoki Fish Conservation Project

Research Data for Breeding by Artificial Insemination of Ayumodoki Fish at the Lake Biwa Museum
Subject Activity Unit 2022 2023 Targets after 5 years
Ayumodoki Breeding for individual maturity Full length (mm) (Average) Target 80 80 Targets by 2024: Emergence of fertile mature individuals (10 individuals) and establishment of breeding methods for maturity*2
Achievement - 89
Degree of obesity*1 (Average) Target - 1.8
Achievement 1.83 1.79
Mature population Target - 10
Achievement 0 58
Breeding by artificial insemination Cumulative number of breeding fry Target 100 200 150-200 breeding fry maintained at all times
Achievement 0 0
Average length after 6 months (mm) Target 30 30
Achievement 0 0
  1. Value obtained by dividing body weight by body length cubed and multiplying by 100. A measure of maturity.
  2. For the time being, the goal is to produce 10 breeding mature individuals and to establish breeding methods for maturity.

Conservation Project for Endangered Green Turtles

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Project Data Monitoring the Spawning and Post-hatching Mortality of Green Turtles in the Ogasawara Islands
Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023
Compared to the Previous Year
Compared to 2000
Survey Scale Number of Surveyed Coasts Coast Chichijima Islands 30 30 30 30 22 - -
Hahajima Islands 10 10 10 10 7 - -
Mukojima Islands 10 10 10 - 8 - -
Total Number of Surveys Conducted Times 168 172 202 182 167 92% -
Total Survey Personnel Person 732 692 934 957 798 83% -
Results Number of Surveyed Green Turtle Nests Nest Chichijima Islands 1,500 1,700 1,200 1,700 1,400 82% 311%
Hahajima Islands 600 400 330 300 280 93% -
Mukojima Islands 40 28 33 - 30 - -
Number of Surveyed Post-hatching Nests (Conducted only on Chichijima Island) Nest 1,000 1,200 930 1,120 761 68% -
Baby Turtles Returning to the Sea (Conjecture) Head 43,700 55,000 44,000 56,000 48,000 86% -
Escape Rate (Number of Escaped Turtles / Number of Eggs) % 32 36 29 34 35 103% -
Reviews The Increasing Trend of Green Turtles in Ogasawara (Conjecture) - Stable with no significant increase or decrease since 2017.
Future population projections - The estimated number of juvenile turtles produced in Chichijima Islands is approximately 51,200/year.
The estimated annual number of surviving turtles (surviving to maturity) is 128 turtles/year.
  • Estimated based on an escapement rate (average in Chichijima Islands from 2017-2023) of 32% and a hatching juvenile survival rate of 0.25%.
  • Figures are approximate due to unpublished data. Table based on ELNA activity reportopen in new window (Japanese Only).

Support for a Biodiversity Conservation Program in the Amazon

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Amazonian Manatee Reintroduction Performance Indicators
Theme Activities FYE 2017 FYE 2018 FYE 2019 FYE 2020 FYE 2021 FYE 2022
Return to semi-captive environment Release of manatees into a semi-captive lake (Manacapuru) or a preserve established in a river (Rio Cuieiras).
  • Began meeting for setting up a lake in Manacapuru.
  • Conducted health checks of 12 manatees.
  • Released 9 manatees into the lake to keep them in a semi-wild state.
  • Conducted health checks of 24 manatees.
  • Released 12 manatees into the lake to keep them in a semi-wild state
  • Released 14 manatees into the lake to keep them in a semi-wild state.
  • No result
  • No result
  • No result
Return to the wild
  • Release of manatees into the Amazon River.
  • Conducted a health check on a manatee that was recaptured after being released into the Amazon River and confirmed that both the length of its body and its weight had increased and that the manatee had adapted to the natural environment after being released into the river.
  • Released 5 manatees into the Amazon River.
  • Released 10 manatees into the Amazon River.
  • Recaptured one manatee that had been released into the Amazon River and conducted health checks on it. Confirmed through the health checks that the recaptured manatee had grown in both body length and weight and that it had adapted to the natural environment smoothly after its release into the River.
  • Released 12 manatees into the Amazon River.
  • Releasing 18 manatees into the Amazon River, installing VHF transmitters and monitoring activities. All the tracked individuals were confirmed to have successfully adapted to the wild.
  • The body weight and body length of the recaptured individuals were also increased.
  • Due to the COVID-19, new releases were not possible, and monitoring of manatee releases had to be suspended for months.
  • 13 manatees were released into the Amazon River, and 5 of them were equipped with VHF transmitters for behavior monitoring. Interaction between released and wild individuals and pregnancy of released individuals kept for 16 years were confirmed. The success of the wild adaptation was shown.
Providing environmental training for local residents and raising their environmental awareness Raising awareness of biodiversity conservation among local residents through a project for returning manatees to the wild.
  • Asked more than 200 local residents to join us when we released the manatees. Through the protection of manatees, we raised their awareness of the importance of preserving biodiversity.
  • Encouraged local fishermen to understand the importance of protecting manatees and had two of them participate in this project.
  • Raised awareness for biodiversity preservation through an environmental education program and a ceremony for releasing manatees at which 301 and 370 local residents participated, respectively.
  • Two local fishermen took part in this project, continuing their practice from the previous year.
  • Raised awareness for biodiversity preservation through an environmental education program and a ceremony for releasing manatees at which 350 and 500 local residents participated, respectively.
  • Two local fishermen took part in this project, continuing their practice from the previous year.
  • Created a mobile exhibition to convey the importance of manatee restoration to the wild.
  • Employment promotion for hunters who used to be manatee poachers.
  • Employment promotion for hunters who used to be manatee poachers.
  • Raising awareness of biodiversity conservation among local residents.
  • Implement environmental education programs for local residents with thorough infection control measures. Distributing 500 T-shirts bearing the ITOCHU logo to participants and participants.

Collaboration with Outside Initiatives

Initiative Participation (Activities Through Business and Industry Groups)

Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation Logo

We participate in the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren). We support nature conservation projects in developing areas mainly in the Asia-Pacific region and in Japan through the Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation that was established in 1992 when the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit) was held in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation has been working to build an environment in which the business community strives to conserve nature. This has included exchanges with NGOs, the holding of seminars and symposia, and the announcement of the Declaration of Nature Conservation by Keidanren, the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and the action guidelines for them (revised in October 2018). In addition, we have declared our approval of the Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation announced on June 11, 2020. We are also participating in the TNFD Forum, which was established in September 2021, to accelerate discussions in the Taskforce on nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

Cooperation with External Organizations

It is especially important for the entire value chain to work together to realize sustainable business activities for businesses with a high dependency on natural capital such as forest commodities (food, timber, natural rubber, palm oil, etc.).

ITOCHU joined in the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in 2006. We have set a target of handling only RSPO certified palm oil or palm oil equivalent to that by 2030. We are working on the procurement and supply of sustainable palm oil through cooperation and collaboration with other member companies. We are also participating in the Sustainable Palm Oil Transparency Toolkit (SPOTT). This is a project by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) that assesses major palm oil related companies in terms of more than 50 indicators based on data released to the public. We disclose information to stakeholders relating to the palm oil industry through two-way communication.

In addition, we also joined as a founding member in the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR). We have agreed to the 12 principles stipulated by this platform about natural rubber and comply with the applicable policy components.

We have also joined the Organization for the Promotion of Responsible Tuna Fisheries (OPRT) established for the sustainable use of tuna resources in 2012 in our skipjack and yellowfin business. We are promoting initiatives that comply with OPRT’s voluntary management regulations.

Through cooperation with external organizations as described above, we aim to achieve the goals set forth in the “Metrics & Targets” section.