ITOCHU Announces New Event at ITOCHU AOYAMA ART SQUARE "Book Art Exhibition: 'Books' Read with Five Senses"
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ITOCHU Announces New Event at ITOCHU AOYAMA ART SQUARE "Book Art Exhibition: 'Books' Read with Five Senses"
May 13, 2013
ITOCHU Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Masahiro Okafuji, President & CEO; hereinafter “ITOCHU”) opened ITOCHU AOYAMA ART SQUARE in October 2012 in the CI Plaza, a commercial facility adjacent to ITOCHU’s Tokyo headquarters, with the objective of training future generations, contributing to the local community, and promoting arts and culture in Japan and abroad as part of ITOCHU’s social contribution activities. Since that time, various exhibitions have been held at the facility.
ITOCHU announced today that it will hold the following two exhibitions simultaneously starting Monday, June 10, 2013 as a new event, entitled “Book Art Exhibition: ‘Books’ Read with Five Senses”, associated with “Books x Art”.
(1)“Beyond the Library”, a special exhibition mounted with the cooperation of the Embassy of Brazil in Japan that brings together 24 Book Art pieces created by Brazilian artists, in which the books themselves are the works of art.
(2)“Picture book Journey”, a special exhibition that allows visitors to experience a new world of picture books that combines music with smartphone and tablet applications by the young picture book author Yoshikazu Ikeya.
As well as exploring new forms of books, which are said to have a history of over 6,000 years, the exhibition provides adults and children alike with a fun opportunity to come into contact with books.
A Novel Read in the Rain
Photo:Sergio Guerini
“What if there were only one Christmas tree in the world” Yoshikazu Ikeya
Yoshikazu Ikeya
Event Details
“Book Art Exhibition: ‘Books’ Read with Five Senses”
Embassy of Brazil in Japan, ITOCHU Corporation
Arjowiggins Creative Papers
Aoyama Shop Owners Association
Monday, June 10 to Sunday, July 14, 2013
11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
(CI Plaza B1, 2-3-1 Kita-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061; Tel.: 03-5772-2913)