Named to List of Superior Companies in Gomez ESG Site Rankings 2020
September 14, 2020
ITOCHU Corporation was named to the List of Superior Companies in the Gomez ESG Site Rankings 2020 conducted by Morningstar Japan K.K.
These rankings are conducted to evaluate listed companies for the ease of use and information adequacy of websites used to conduct PR activities to various stakeholders, including shareholders and investors over the internet (ESG websites). ITOCHU Corporation was named to the List of Superior Companies following a process that involves surveying the websites of 3644 listed companies in Japan* and narrowing that field down to 362 nominees, from which 118 final nominations were made. ITOCHU Corporation was also the only trading company named to the List of Superior Companies. The survey process consists of five categories: 1) website ease of use, 2) overall ESG information, 3) Environmental (E) information, 4) Social (S) information, and 5) Governance (G) information. Evaluation criteria are set to assume the use of information by not only shareholders and investors, but by a wide range of stakeholders.
ITOCHU Corporation is committed to ESG initiatives and will continue to engage in proactive information disclosure.
*As of September 2019