Special Class on Mangrove and Ocean Plastic Recycling Held at Aoyama Elementary School

June 2, 2022

ITOCHU held a special class on “mangrove and ocean plastic recycling” at Minato-ku Aoyama Elementary School for all students. Our company's Basic Activity Guidelines on Social Contribution is Growth of Future Generations, Environmental Conservation, and Community Contribution. Through environmental conservation education, we believe that this project will contribute to the affluent and sound development of young people in the local community who will lead the next generation.
Since 2021, we have supported mangrove reforestation activities in Uken Village, Amami-Oshima, which contributes to biodiversity conservation. In 2022, we started supporting an attempt to grow mangroves from seeds with Aoyama Elementary School. We donated plastic pots made from ocean plastic waste that washed ashore in Tsushima City, Nagasaki Prefecture, and explained its problem-solving recycling economy business. After the special class, about 300 seedlings were planted, one for each student in all grades, and they are now being raised by children. At Aoyama Elementary School, they are focusing on education on the SDGs, and our efforts are in line with this.

Special classes for all students

Ocean plastic recycling pots

Plant seeds with students