Environment-related businesses of Chemicals Division
The world is full of sustainable minds, including the SDGs.
But minds are being formed, but they are not making a big movement.
That is why ITOCHU Corporation, in its environment-related business,
is leading the way in changing the world with its market-oriented approach.
Here is a new business created by ITOCHU Corporation.
Let's change. Let's change, not. But change.
Under the concept of “CHANGE US, CHANGE EARTH.”
We continue to implement new technologies to realize a sustainable planet, including:
- 1.Supply of environmentally friendly raw materials and materials
- 2.Provision of 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) platform
- 3.Construction of sustainable cycle
Together with retailers and brand owners, promote product branding and joint development projects using environmental materials, aim to build a new supply chain of “Sampo-yoshi” that starts downstream and extends upstream, promoting environment-related businesses based on the market-oriented perspective.
- ITOCHU Announces Development of Eco-friendly Flooring and Launch of Flooring Material Recycling Business
- Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. participates in the demonstration trial project for recycling plastic bottles at FamilyMart
- ITOCHU Announces Conclusion of Memorandum of Understanding with Resonac Corporation to Jointly Study Used Plastic and Textile Recycling