Mineral Resources
In this business field, we develop and trade raw materials around the world aiming to ensure a stable supply of raw materials mainly for basic industries such as steel, electric power, non-ferrous metals, and others.
In the area of iron ore, we manage Mt. Newman and other iron ore mining joint ventures in Australia with resource giant BHP. The annual production volume of these joint ventures is approximately 290 million tonnes. In Brazil, we are the largest shareholder of a consortium consisted of Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese companies holding equity in CSN Mineração S.A., an iron ore producer affiliated with the major Brazilian steel producer Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN). Furthermore, in 2022, we acquired a stake in the iron ore business in Canada (AMMC), which is operated by steel giant ArcelorMittal and others. We have been operating these businesses to further strengthen the supplying ability. Furthermore, we are developing utilization of next generation technologies for further optimization, enhanced safety and resource saving including decarbonization of mining operation with our partner companies.
In the area of coal business, we are collaborating with the leading resource companies such as Glencore to operate coal-producing and marketing joint ventures in Australia.
Going further, we invest in the Suprabari Mapanindo Mineral coal mine in Indonesia and also in Allegheny coking coal mine in West Virginia, US.
Regarding the coal-related business, we are also focusing on the development and promotion of technologies to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, such as CCUS, in order to contribute to the development of a sustainable society while meeting social demands for stable supplies of raw materials and fuel both in Japan and abroad.
Our wholly owned affiliate ITOCHU Minerals & Energy of Australia Pty Ltd centrally holds iron ore and coal projects located in countries including Australia, Canada and Indonesia to maintain efficient operations for mineral resources development.
In the area of non-ferrous materials, we engage in trading and project of aluminum, which contributes in making automobiles lighter. We are also advancing development and exploration of base and rare metals such as copper, nickel, platinum, and other minerals that sustain production and utilization of hydrogen and storage batteries which are essential to popularize electric vehicles.
Furthermore, ITOCHU Metals Corporation engages in investment for production of aluminum car parts in North America in addition to trading of non-ferrous raw materials and products in midstream and downstream supply chain. Going further, we are developing recycle of metal scraps and appropriate treatment of industrial wastes, which contribute sustainable society.
The recycling-related business, which directly links to the efficient use of limited resources, has become particularly a key business focus reflecting the growing social needs in reducing environmental burden through the 3Rs + W (reduce, reuse, recycle and Waste Management). We are focusing on initiatives on venous industry by enforcing collaboration with Rever Holdings Corporation (current TRE Holdings Corporation), which we have invested in 2019.